Queer Studies

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Queer Studies


In the past few decades, transgender has become a topic that is increasingly discussed and debated among social theorists. Indeed, sex and desire have become the focus of intense social-theoretical, philosophical and feminist fascination, and it is against this backcloth that social theorists have sought to rethink the constitution and reproduction of sexualities, bodies, pleasures, desires, impulses, sensations and affects. How to think sexuality beyond the constraints of culture is a question that is increasingly crucial to the possibilities of political radicalism today. The cultural prompting for this turn towards sexuality in social theory is not too difficult to discern. In the aftermath of the sexual revolution of the 1960s, and particularly because of the rise of feminism, sexuality has come to be treated as infusing broad-ranging changes taking place in personal and social life (Williams, 122).

Queer Studies 

Queer theory and queer studies can be seen as an articulation of theoretical reflections and investigations related to the interdisciplinary field of cultural studies on sexuality, especially gay and lesbian studies. In 1990, Teresa de Lauretis suggested the term theory queer as a term that was intended to question the formula, which has become automatic, studies of gay and Lesbian, such automatic, if not examined critically, led effectively elision of the differences between gays and lesbians and naturalization of a shared identity or experience of homosexual oppression. The aim was to return to the center of the debate the question of theoretical and political differences, which is the crucial issue for the feminist movement that is the homosexual movement.

The re-appropriation of the term queer, then, is significant for two reasons. First, it is a word that in English of the twentieth century that has come to establish itself as a form of hate speech whose aggressive repossession is a sign of an attack strategy to be played on homophobia homophobic language of the land itself. Secondly, it is a term that can refer equally to gays, lesbians and all other persons perceived as a sexual pervert, deviant, abnormal, and outlaws that can therefore work as a term inclusive cross. It does not obey the binarism heterosexual/homosexual thanks to the establishment of homosexual individuals and communities to the idea of asexual identity natural, innate or rooted in an absolute difference.

Queer studies are placed in a critical position with respect to identity politics and strategies related to gay and lesbian movement, which seeks recognition of rights and the strengthening of communities focusing on narratives and self-narratives. Jeffrey Weeks is not the only one to argue that the same identity politics of gay and lesbian movement there has been an interesting tension in a moment. The moment of citizenship is important and the visibility of gay and lesbian identities and their manifestations in the history and culture cannot be abandoned as a strategy of resistance, the face of continued cancellations made ??by the compulsory heterosexuality (Rimmerman, 103).

Queer studies favors new narratives, new rewriting of the history of sexual marginality, variations less suited to the need to promote the visibility of simple binary entities, and more responsive to the need to recognize more complex configurations of identity ...
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