Quality Textiles International Scenario

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Quality Textiles International Scenario

Quality Textiles International Scenario


Both industrialized and evolving nations now have modern installations capable of highly effective fabric production. In addition to mechanical improvements in yarn and fabric manufacture, there have been fast improvement in development of new fibres, methods to advance textile characteristics, and checking methods permitting greater value control. The modern textile commerce is still nearly associated to the apparel commerce, but production of fabrics for developed use has profited in importance. The producing wide range of end users claims a high degree of specialization ("Textile Industry ", 2010,p. 1).


Quality Textiles International is an association that weaves fabric and then organises the needed sheet lengths as desired by customers. They have received recent complaints that the fabric weight, measured in oz per square inch, is not meeting customer requirements, which are very close to the control limits. Quality Textiles International's value assurance department tests the fabric weight on normal cornerstone and knows that their method for fabric heaviness has a mean of 2.73 oz/in2, and a standard deviation of 0.31 (, 2010,p. 1). I have called upon to conduct a thorough analysis and recommend a quality improvement process for Quality Textiles International.I first conducted fifty random samples of material weight.

I then calculated the sample mean by adding all the weight together and then dividing it by fifty, the mean came to 2.9812 oz/in2. I then calculated the standard deviation which came to 0.523086. The standard deviation is Standard deviation is a statistical value used to determine how spread out the data in a sample are, and how close individual data points are to the mean, or average, value of the sample. The population mean to be in line with quality control standards is 2.73 oz/in2 but according to my random samples I found the sample mean to be 2.98 oz/in2 which is a difference of 0.2512 oz/in2. What this says is that the average weight is slightly higher then what it should be. This shows that there is no consistency in the material weight.

The standard deviation calculated by the assurance department is 0.31 and according to my sample observations it is 0.52, giving a difference of 0.21. What this means is that the standard deviation for the sample observation is larger than the one calculated by the assurance department.

According to the upper and lower control limits (UCL and LCL) established for this process which ...
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