Quality Management

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Quality Management


Operations Management at ShoeShine plc has led the company from a couple of business opportunities to numerous business opportunities. With the company's effective and efficient operations management, it has allowed them to gain a well respected reputation and profitability for the organization.


ShoeShine plc is a large shoes manufacturing company, has been at a disadvantage compared to its competitors due to its outdated technology and lack of control over its own operations and marketing. This has reflected in increasing costs and declining sales. In addition, staff's morale at ShoeShine plc has been very low. Rumours among staff have led to believe that senior management has not done enough to keep up with development in technology and has not engaged into direct communication with the workforce. It seems that management did not focus enough on quality.

At a recent Board meeting, senior managers have acknowledged the need for immediate action and have developed a new slogan, 'Quality - the way forward for ShoeShine!'. They would like to see more up to date systems being used in the organisation at all levels. They have shown a keen interest in Quality Systems employed in various areas of the business. The resulting effect of this move must be to the benefits of all stakeholders including staff and customers. Among various ideas put forward, one senior manager pointed out :

'We must make sure that we fulfil the needs of more modern customers. If we need to modify existing products or launch new ones, so be it! But this time, we must get things right - we must involve all stakeholders! Above all, we must be seen as a modern, forward looking and profitable business(Yourdon 2002:01)'



19.1.1 Identify and Explain the Role Of and Importance of Effective Operations Management

While New Orleans supplied Custom Fabricators with the raw materials, Custom Fabricators and its Operations Management developed “a very efficient process for fabricating exactly what the plant needs in these parts with very little lead time” (ShoeShine plc, 2009). Not only have they increased the quality of products and services, they have developed an effective operations strategy that has led to improvements in the performance of the company. Moreover, through analyzing and testing, the Operations Management of Custom developed a way to make the entire control panel, along with controlling the electronics for the elevator, from their control panel. It seems the Operations Management of ShoeShine plc has led the company to success in all areas of the business. These areas can include the interval times in completion of the project, decision making of the fabrication process, designing of the panels and brackets, planning and control of the company and its employees(Stapleton 2007: 12).

19.1.2. Analyze the Strategic Objectives of the Organization

An ongoing improvement plan can increase the quality of a product or service an organization produces. To develop a successful improvement plan, an organization must have a well-designed strategic plan that is in agreement with the mission and visions of the ...
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