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Qualities Of A Great Leader

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Qualities of a Great Leader

Qualities of a Great Leader


The research paper discusses about the featured and qualities of a great leader. We have discussed Nelson Mandela as the leader who had a vision, determination and conviction to achieve everything. In this paper we have discussed the personal life of Nelson Mandela his qualities, preferences and his nature. Mandela is a person with a golden heart; he served people regardless of the result and the fear that many might oppose him. Nelson Mandela over the past decade is seen as an icon for humanity, his passion to serve the humanity, fight for the rights of people and above all the conviction to achieve everything has taken him so far.

Qualities of Great Leader


Nelson Mandela was born in a little South African village to a localized head and his third wife. He was the first individual in his family to receive a western learning, and was motivated to study regulation after seeing the democracy of African tribal governance at an early age. Mandela became a searched after solicitor in Johannesburg, keeping safe black South Africans against the government's progressively unjust treatment. He took part in boycotts, coordinated protests, mobilized his persons and in turn was marked an enemy of the state: accused of treason, ostracized from political engagement, disbarred, and sentenced to life in prison. Mandela's incarceration brought international vigilance to the racial injustices of South Africa's apartheid government sparking the rally cry "Free Nelson Mandela" worldwide. (Patti, 2000)



People won't pursue you except you have shown integrity and consistency. Over and over again, Nelson Mandela has shown that his phrase is his bond. This is viewed more obviously when he worked tirelessly to encourage Black South Africans to reconcile with White South Africa, and to forgive. (Martin, 1998)


During his years as leader, Nelson Mandela was renowned as a foremost who delegated. His nominated leaders had the power to make decisions without interference from. He was furthermore known as an unassuming man of the persons; somebody the persons he led to could still relate to. (Patti, 2000)


Good leaders don't run around like the world is about to disintegrate every time there's a problem—they drive off vibes that read, 'we can work this out,'

In latest years, Nelson Mandela has participated in discussions in worried countries. (Martin, 1998)


Nelson Mandela simplifies matters; he does not perplex them. We all understand what he ...
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