Pyschology Paper On Phobias

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Psychology paper on phobias

Psychology paper on phobias


Phobia is a mental disorder, in which a person unwillingly experiences a painful fear that forces him to avoid relatively safe objects and situations. Even though, the causes of phobias are diverse and not completely understood, but the occurrence of this disease takes among those people who have high imagination and rich emotions in their family and social environment. They not learn to differentiate between fear induced by an imaginary threat, and fear associated with the real threat.

Information regarding phobias

The commitment of phobia indicates towards the fear of attracting people in committed long-term relationships. This can be in personal, social, or professional relationships. Lot of phobia derives from the fear of anxiety, failure, and other various factors. The commitment of phobia is not only harmful to the person itself but also for the other person who is vulnerable to get hurt. In some situations, the commitment of phobia can lead towards a disorder of personality. The professional assistance is quite useful for the treatment of these cases. Lot of developments has taken place on a rapid pace and then abruptly the commitment of phobia would choose to damage or end it all without a valid reason. This can cause frustration, anger, and confusion for the other people involved. (Liebowitz, 1992)

These people try to protect themselves from feelings which hurt and disappoint people quite badly. They try to shield and protect themselves by building a wall. However, in return, they even hurt other people. For instance, when a woman would date man with commitment of phobia, she would be left hurt and confused, if the man will decide to end the relationship during the things that have gone so well for them. The commitment fears a man to quit because the plan of taking the commitment any further makes him to trap the feelings. Past relationships, painful childhood experiences are all the factors that cause the commitment of phobia. Children who had a father that left and never returned because he was dumped by a woman which he loved very much and experiences that made him suffer from fear because of unfortunate commitment. The phobia forces the person to close all doors in order to avoid any negative feeling and emotions. A person tries to avoid being hurt, but they also try to avoid genuine happiness. The fear of happiness can also create a feeling of losing happiness. Therefore, the person avoids anything which might get very serious in the long-term. (Watson, 1969)

Those people that fear commitments are not likely to hold down a job for many years, avoid getting married, and basically not follow through with plans. They may meet a person and seek out the thrill but quickly move onto the next person. This could be the next day, the next month, the next year, etc. If together for a long time, he or she will avoid and put off marriage for as long as possible ...
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