Purpose Of Education

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Purpose of Education


In today's society, education, emphasized as the key to success. Why is this happening? Most of the students want money from their education. Higher education usually goes hand in hand with relatively high-paying jobs. The purpose of education, however, has little to do with money. Usually there are three main arguments for describing the goal of education. The first argument states that the purpose of higher education is to develop a "good" people. This means that everyone should get a taste of all that a society with wide-ranging ideas.

Adequate answers to these questions and others like them are necessary to the educational responsibility of pupils and teachers similarly. For hundreds of years, academics and philosophers, educators have wrestled with such inquiries, sincerely struggling to expose the keys to make safe a good education for themselves and those to pursue. Some have met the test with immense success and others to no advantage.


In elementary and secondary schools, students study a wide range of training courses, including mathematics, English and science. If each formed, it will create a relatively stable society with a population that is able to function independently (Haralambos and Holborn, 35-38). Nevertheless, I believe that this argument has no direction. With all these good people, where doctors and teachers come from? He targeted to receive education in many areas, overall, but without a career goal or major in mind, education can be made as to the functional point. The second argument is that liberal education should produce professionals in the field of study. As a result, there will be improvement in that area. If someone was educated professionals, they generally will receive more revenue. This is because they become more valuable to society (Ackoff, 539-555.). A person with an extended knowledge of the field may extend it by applying its own experience and intuition.

An example of this kind of education will be a doctor or a teacher. Schools should begin training at an early stage. Pupils at primary and secondary schools generally have more opportunities for learning than most adults. This is because the young brain is more malleable. Decline in this is that children do not always know what direction to their lives, they do not remain committed to this goal (Appleberry, 34-36).

For this reason, most are offered specialized training after high school. As a rule, by that time the student will decide on a major. Even then, determined college student may be traveling on the career they choose. Statistics show that most students change their major at least three times before the end. Eventually, the students had enough knowledge in a specific area of study to achieve success in the real world (Armajani, 65-67).

Trade schools are trying to do it, teaching only what is necessary to meet career. They are trying to do so in a relatively short period of time. Typically, less than two years. The University will take more than twice the amount of money and time, but will leave you much more than ...
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