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Public Health

Importance of Equality in Public Health

Importance of Equality in Public Health


In spite of overall developments in health results since the World War II, health inequality between the best and worst off in society are determined in developed nations and some instances are continuing to widen. As N.Kondo asserts these organized differences between and within populations should not be seen as expected especially since the pursuit of social justice is a key tenet of public health. Rose's seminal surveillance (1992) that in order to improve health of people, society ought to address the causes of ill health, including poor education system, unpleasant living and hostile working conditions, stress, and social exclusion remain pertinent in the developed world's response to entrenched patterns of inequality. In this paper, we provide a summary of current evidence on the social patterning of health inequalities within and between developed nations, together with a commentary on putative explanations for why health inequalities exist. Although in developed nations, the research focus has begun to shift from a description and explanation of inequalities, towards understanding what works to improve inequalities (rather than simply improving health) there is still some way to go. Against this backdrop, we will briefly examine possible approaches to tackling inequalities using an example from the UK policy arena (Siegrist, Marmot, 2006, p.79-82).


This essay is about the public health and the importance of equality in public health. The essay entails the health inequality issues across the globe and in UK. Equality and equity are two different terms. Equality means the state of being equal, whereas equity means the state of being just and fair.

Equality in public health refers to the equal distribution of health services to the masses regardless of income, class or any other discrimination.

This essay specifically revolves around the equality in public health in UK. Unfortunately, Health inequalities do exist in UK, and the government is not addressing the issue properly. The Health committee report on health inequalities that published in March 2009 insist that the new government policies regarding the elimination of health inequality is incapable to address the issue and the measures taken to handle the issue are improper and insufficient (Higgin et. al., 2011, p. 206-207). There are many communities around the world that have raised voice for equality in the health care.

Importance of Equality in Public Health


Equality in public health is of vital importance as societies that are equal have a longer life expectancy than the societies with proletarian equality. This idea entails that societies could improve their health through reducing the inequalities (Babones, 2009, p. 185). Poor and rich both should get the equal quality health. Every citizen should be treated equally. Inequality in health bring the lower socioeconomic group is frustration and they cannot lead to a satisfactory life. Providing equal healthcare is one of the primary responsibilities of the government.

Social Determinants of Health

One of the social determinants of health inequality is poverty. The world today is facing a challenge of fighting ...
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