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Part 1: Give a brief overview of the important aspects of learning for psychology, inclusive of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and learning by observation.

Considering the concepts and the constructs that have been experienced over the years, memory and learning not only make way for progress and development of the human personality we all know. Much has said in the area of learning, pertaining to analyze the delicate, intertwined patterns of brain function and the response of human organs that have been experienced, experimented, researched and deliberated upon for decades. In the modern times of patterns, learning has become an aspect so inevitably important that individuals can hardly overlook or subside.

Particularly in the field of psychology, learning has earned its own reputation. Authors, psychologists and researchers not only make way for a better outcome to influence the occurrence and the ability to make way for understanding learning, but have also brought forth multiple models in order to understand and comprehend the operation and functionality of the brain, leading to organ function (Myers, 2004).

Another extension to classical conditioning is operant conditioning. An immediate opposite, operant conditioning states the behavior of an organism, which either strengthens or weakens in response and relevance to the environment in which this organism pertains to reside in. Skinner's experiments have proven the occurrence of operant conditions, describing the phenomenon with the use of specimens and organisms such as rats and pigeons to understand how they responded to the given circumstances and conditions given.

The final model entitled learning by observation was brought forth by Albert Bandura, through which behavior would be assessed that is displayed and intended by children. This would not only symbolize the behavior, but also identify whether this behavior is social or anti-social, emitted and displayed by children who aspire to be like children of their own group, who are both admirable and successful.

Classical Conditioning

To describe and analyze the method of Classical Conditioning in detail, we must first understand the revolving gist around this area and the challenges that have been undertaken over the years that not only make way for understanding the concept in detail.

Classical Conditioning is the most important and contributive experiment brought forth by Ivan Pavlov. The experiment was undertaken with the purpose and objective of understanding and comprehending the delicate relationship existing between two subjects.

These are the conditional stimulus around which acts as an independent variable, the unconditional stimulus which revolves as a dependent variable. The associated responses then present and yield the necessary outcome under given conditions and situations that revolve around control foundations and assumptions altogether at large (Myers, 2004).

In line with Pavlov's experiments, the conditional stimulus (CS) and unconditional stimulus (US) have been placed and put in close proximity. Under controlled setting, it becomes evident that regardless of the changes and the challenges that have been undertaken, classical conditioning proved to be an important aspect, which not only influenced the respondents' opinion and suggestions, but also made for the establishment of a better understanding ...
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