Psychological disorders are commonly known as mental disorders. These are pattern of psychological and behavioral symptoms that have effect on several areas of life. These disorders can have devastating impacts on one's persona and can create anxiety for the individual experiencing them. Eating disorders, depression, phobias, borderline personality disorder seasonal affective disorder, schizophrenia and antisocial personality disorder are some of the significant disorders. The document sheds light at the disorders mentioned above and discusses the therapies that can prevent an individual from sinking into depression due to these disorders.
Eating Disorders
With the boost in fashion industry and media everyone is becoming way too conscious about the way they look. This tends to make people too much judgmental about what they eat and how much weight they gain. When weight watching exceeds the extreme level, it can escort to intense fear of losing or gaining weight. People are becoming very much concerned about projecting their good body image.
Body image is an intricate perception that has significant affect regarding how an individual feels about himself/herself and in turn how those feelings are reflected in his behavior. Body Image is basically the picture of our body that we sketch in our mind regarding the way our body looks like to ourselves. Weight Obsession can incur people to either eat way too less or way too much then required.
An eating disorder is a sickness that results in grave instabilities in your daily diet, for example eating exceptionally little quantities of foodstuff or sternly stuffing yourself to the point of overeating. Severe misery or anxiety regarding weight and shape of the body might also lead to an eating disorder. Usually eating disorders are common among young adults or in teen years, however there is of course no limit of age to it. Anorexia nervosa, binge-eating and bulimia nervosa are widespread eating disorders.
Signs and Symptoms
There are different types of symptoms indicating different types of eating disorders. For example an individual suffering from anorexia will refuse to maintain minimal body weight that is essentially required to sustain the body type, height and activity level best suited for particular age. Furthermore the person will be suffering from overriding fear and anxiety of either being too much fat or thin. He or she might feel being overweight despite the radical weight loss and in girls, the loss of menstrual periods serve as grave indication.
Binge Eating Disorder commonly known as compulsive overeating is exemplified mainly by phases of hysterical, impetuous, or unremitting eating beyond the point of feeling comfortably full. Individuals who overeat might experience intense depression, loneliness and anxiety. Body weight may vary from being mildly fat to severely obese.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is of course one of the most long lasting and effective therapy for eating disorders. Psychotherapy and counseling along with vigilant attention to nutritional and medical needs can help an individual over come eating disorders. Therapies like counseling has best maximum effects , when done on personal level thereby tailoring the therapy according ...