Psychological Disorder

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Psychological Disorder

Psychological Disorder


Maria is 42 years old single Hispanic women, living in USA for about five years. She wants to have a diagnosis of her mental health regarding the daily issues she is facing. In order get cure, she headed USA and concerns doctors regarding his mental disturbance. According to her mental analysis on the basis of her symptoms by the mental health clinic, she is the patient of “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the name given to a group of behaviors found in many adults. People with ADHD are hyperactive or distracted most of the time. Even when they try to concentrate, they have a difficulty in paying attention. Adult People with ADHD have difficulty organizing things, listening to instructions, remembering details and controlling their behavior. Therefore, people with ADHD often have trouble getting along with others at home, at school or work. There are three main types of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), inattentive type, the hyperactive impulsive and combined type (there are discussions about the compatibility of the inattentive type and hyperactive). Between 50, and 70% of patients diagnosed with ADHD, presents problems of social adjustment and or psychiatric problems in adolescence and young adulthood, although 20-30% continues to suffer from this condition during adulthood. It is essential to analyze the risk factors and cognitive strategies of those affected by ADHD.

Problem Facing While Talking

Maria feel uncomfortable when taking with anyone as she cannot focus properly on what other is asking, and some time even understanding the questions, her attention divert to other topic. ADHD can cause serious disruptions in social and occupational adaptation of patients and, therefore, significantly impair their quality of life. In general, you tend to understand ADHD as a disorder only limited to childhood and adolescence, and this lack of resources specialized in the diagnosis, treatment and evaluation of adult patients.

Adult symptoms will occur in fluctuating severities and types, causing "significant impairments in interpersonal relations, marriage, emotional well-being, employment and daily adaptive functioning". Many adults with ADHD are remarkably intelligent, creative, people easily loved, and who are able to do many astonishing things. However, for many living with ADHD is like a race with a large backpack full of bricks. The term "Adult ADHD" with all the inaccuracies and ambiguities presented, has the virtue of naming a problem is often invisible as well as to differentiate from other more serious problems, which are useless, or counterproductive when put into the wrong person.

The problem of inattention without hyperactivity is under-diagnosed, especially in girls and women. In addition, many adults with attention problems were never diagnosed in childhood or worse were marked with another title. The conceptualists ADHD as a biological problem, but the pills do not teach certain skills. Many adults benefit from coaching (manager of the behavior) to help them develop skills to improve their management, social or organization.

As for the difficulties in the workplace often has to do with impulse control and ...
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