Refugee called the person who must leave their homes by force because the chase - whether individually or collectively - due to political, religious, military or any kind. Although the refugee definition varies with the time and place, the growing international concern about the plight of refugees has generated a general consensus. The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (Refugee Convention), defines a refugee as a person.
"Owing to well founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country or will not back to him because of these fears.
Although the definition of the Refugee Convention is employed by international organizations such as the United Nations, this term is often misused and is used in a contradictory manner in everyday language. The media, for example, often confuse refugees with people migrating for economic reasons ("economic migrants") and persecuted groups who remain within the country without crossing any borders ("IDPs").
General Understanding
The causes of persecution must match one of the following five items listed in Article 1 (2) of the Refugee Convention: race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. When the subject of persecution is different, not taken into account. (Beauchamp, 2001)
Political views: it refers to ideas that authorities do not tolerate, among which include the views which try the methods and policies. Includes the views attributed to individuals (for example, when authorities believe a person professes certain opinion) even if that person does not think so. People who have not expressed their political views before fleeing the country could be eligible for asylum if they demonstrate the possibility that when they return to their homeland are going to pursue because of his views.
The role of definitions is essential when countries and organizations try to determine who is a refugee and who is not. Asylum seekers, or those seeking to be considered as refugees in another country, usually on an individual must demonstrate that his fear of persecution is well justified and undergo a legal process by which the country fate decides if the applicant qualifies as such. However, in the case of a collective flow, it may not be possible for the host country to carry out an individual check. Under these conditions, particularly when civilians fleeing for similar reasons, we can declare 'in group' refugee status, in which all civilians of this group are considered refugees, unless proven otherwise.
Case Study
Fatimah, 38, fled to Australia in 2008 to escape forced labor and human rights abuses committed by the military. After crossing the Australian border in secret by land, he flew to the mobile recording unit of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Melaka, a city south of the country, to register as a refugee.
Government officials were stationed in front of the church that housed ...