Pros & Cons Of Private Vs Public Defense

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Pros & Cons of Private VS Public Defense

Pros & Cons of Private VS Public Defense


There are different types of lawyers in many different fields. The advantages and disadvantages thus vary functions specialties, but also depend on personal preference and abilities of each. In general, the career of a lawyer can be very exciting, rewarding, interesting and financially profitable. But a lawyer may also have a number of disadvantages, such as stress, alienation after years spend working with clients in crisis, or even raise ethical issues in cases where the lawyer is bringing to defend criminals. The only common thing that many lawyers enjoy in the practice of law is that it is not repetitive. Everyday tasks depend on if you work on, and although some have similarities, each case is different, every client is unique.It depends again on your specialty, real estate law cases are often more similarities between them than in other areas, such as criminal law, for example.

Another important aspect of the legal profession is the financial aspect, a lawyer earns an average (after two years of experience) € 5,000 per month, however the salary is very variable, and it can double or triple depending on activity, the frequency of cases, the reputation of the firm and its location. However, a lawyer may also have some disadvantages.


A court appoints a lawyer who is known as a public defender, is paid by the government on behalf of the client, if the client is unable to hire a private lawyer. To get the assistance of a public defender, you have to convince the judge that you are unable to hire a lawyer from your own pocket. There is a requirement form which is to be filled by the applicant. The form includes the basic information regarding the income, number of ...
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