Proposal For New Employee Orientation Program

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Proposal for New Employee Orientation Program


Employees are the most important asset to the business. Companies use the labor skills to achieve their values and missions of the organization. When a company hires a new employee, it is very important to train him well about the important aspects of the firm, rules and norms and the nature of the job etc. The following research paper is the evaluation of a proposal for new employee orientation program.





Orientation Program for New Employees1

Objectives, Target Audience and the Length of the Program2


Target Group:3

Length of the Program3

Content to be taught, the Length of Time (Hours, Days, Or Weeks) for Each Segment of the Program4


What is the mission, values and goals of the organization?4

The length of time (hours, days, or weeks)5

First Day5

Second Day6

Third Day6

Day Four6

Day Five6

The Training Methods7

Case method8

Business games8


Group discussion8

Incident Process9



Outdoor Training9

Outcomes to be Measured10

Methods for Measuring Them11

Costs Associated in Development and Implementation12

Training material costs13

Staffing Orientation and Training13

Lost productivity13

A series of dress14

Contribution to the Company's Strategic Objective of Retaining Top Talent14



Proposal for New Employee Orientation Program


Employees are considered as the most valuable asset to any organization they are associated with. It is the efforts and productivity of the employees that help the businesses to achieve their goals. New employees are of special consideration as they don't know about company and its rules and procedures. Therefore, the orientation for new employees is an essential first step in welcoming new members as company's employees. The following research paper is conducted to develop a proposal for new employee development program in context to the given case study. It will include the contribution it will make to the strategic objectives of the company, objective, target audiences and training methods etc.


Orientation Program for New Employees

In general one can say that an orientation program achieves its goal by achieving the acceleration to the socialization of new employees. Socialization is the process by which an employee begins to understand and accept the values, norms and beliefs that are postulated in an organization. The socialization process causes the coincidence of the values ??of the company and the individual. Therefore, good employees do not fall from heaven; they are the result of selection, training, leadership and development.

Small businesses and large companies alike should offer some form of training for new employees in the workplace. A number of issues must be treated as employee orientation, presence and absence, performance management, compensation and workplace safety are just some of the important areas to discuss during the orientation.

Formal orientation programs are often the responsibility of the personnel department and supervisor. This dual approach (or multiple targets) is common because the topics covered will include two categories: general interest, relevant to all or nearly all employees, and specific interest, directed especially to workers in certain jobs or departments. Those who are comprised under the headings "themes of the global organization" and "benefits and services staff," directed virtually all employees. These two aspects are often supplemented by an employee handbook, which describes the company policies, standards, ...
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