Property Crimes

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Property Crimes: America's Most Wanted Teenage Bandit

Property Crimes: America's Most Wanted Teenage Bandit


Today, more than two years after his escape, Harris-Moore is suspected in countless burglaries round the country, including Washington, Idaho, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois. He is also believed to have committed crimes in Canada and, most recently, the Bahamas. While some of the alleged crimes include burglaries and auto thefts, Harris-Moore is also suspected in the theft of at least three airplanes. (

At age 12, Harris-Moore had his first taste of the justice system when he was convicted of theft. Other convictions soon followed, but Kohler says he was often accused of committing crimes for which he was not responsible. Harris-Moore grew up with her on a five-acre plot on Camano Island, Wash. His father walked out on the family when Colton was just 2 years old, but the void was filled by a stepfather whom Kohler says her son grew to love as his own. But the father-figure did not stay in Harris-Moore's life for long: He died not long after Harris-Moore's seventh birthday. Not long thereafter, Harris-Moore began to change and appeared to "disconnect" himself from the outside world. (

According to Harris-Moore's mother (, he never learned how to fly, evident by the fact that each of the planes he is suspected of stealing has crash-landed. Authorities speculate that Harris-Moore taught himself how to fly by reading aircraft manuals and handbooks.

His troubles started at the tender age of 12, when “Colt” was first arrested for burglary after breaking into a local school. He was arrested another eight times before the age of 15. After dropping out of high school, police say he spent his free time burglarizing unoccupied homes on Camano Island, a vacation community. Police gave him the nickname “Barefoot Burglar” due to his tendency to steal while shoeless.

Despite finally being arrested in 2007, he left a juvenile halfway house a year later and hasn't been caught. Colt seems to have emerged again, this time burglarizing on other islands. After two separate planes were stolen and crashed, police believe they have discovered his new method of transport. It is theorized that Colt taught himself basic flying skills by reading flight manuals and using simulators ( His followers and supporters are moreover speculating as to when "Colt" will get away and take the management on another chase.

His mother, Pam Kohler, is not so convinced. “Any time anything is stolen, they blame it on Colt. Let's say you're the smartest person in the world. He's a six foot five inch ghost, running barefoot through the woods avoiding every attempt at capture, has driven a car into a fuel tank to distract police with a massive explosion while making his escape like he's living in a freakin' episode of The A Team, and learned how to fly planes simply by reading flight manuals. This kid is insanely intelligent, and all sorts of detached from reality.

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