The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the issue of promoting empowerment and recovery in mental health. In mental health, 'recovery' has a variety of meanings and does not habitually mention to the method of entire recovery from a mental health difficulty in the way that we may retrieve from a personal health problem. For numerous persons, the notion of recovery is about residing in command of their life regardless of experiencing a mental health problem. Professionals in the mental health part often mention to the 'recovery model' to recount this way of thinking (Barry 2006 623).
Patient's Problems
Tom is a man of 44 years and was diagnosed with depression. He was recently prescribed with some medications due to his increased risk of suicide, alcohol and over-medication. Before the treatment by the Earlier Home Treatment Team (HIT) I talked to Tom and had a proper discussion with him on his drug usage of Zopiclone 7.5 mg, diazepam 2 mg and 200 mg of quetiapine during the night. (Sam2008: 34), dismissed the case because it may be a biological psychological and social life cause behind that, and also there are many reasons for depression that can be mild or severe and diverse and allows an era. Depression can be treated as a burden of any disease or the disability and it is considered to be the main cause of a mental problem.
During hospitalization, the team working on Tom's symptoms and medications, focused on the medical model. However, the use of drugs is not just a set of chemical treatment but also of faith and hope, dreams, motivation and goal-needed recovery values((Massachusetts Division of Health Care Finance and Policy 2008:67). In fact, research shows that according to the individual's social needs, less need for medication management of symptoms studied is treated as a rescue. (LoPresti 2006: 34)
Putting recovery into activity entails focusing care on carrying recovery and construction of the resilience of persons with mental health difficulties, not just on organising their symptoms.
There is no separate delineation of the notion of recovery for persons with mental health difficulties, but the key concept is one of wish that it is likely for significant life to be refurbished, regardless of grave mental illness (Goldman 2008:52). Recovery is often mentioned to as a method, expectation, dream, and conceptual structure or directing principle.
The recovery process:
provides a holistic outlook of mental illness that focuses on the individual, not just their symptoms
believes recovery from critical mental illness is possible
is a excursion other than a destination
does not inevitably signify getting back to where you were before
happens in 'fits and starts' and, like life, has numerous ups and downs
calls for optimism and firm promise from all concerned
is deeply leveraged by people's anticipations and attitudes
requires a well coordinated scheme of support from family, associates or professionals
requires services to adopt new and innovative modes of working