Project management can be defined as a planned effort to accomplish a certain project. It includes planning, organizing and managing resources which leads to success in achieving the project. Project management includes the planning a project, identifying tasks and goals which are to be achieved (Kendrick 2004, Pp. 88-94). A well executed project leads to the success of the business. Project management is associated with 5 types of processes which include initiation, planning, executing, controlling and closing. A successful project can be evaluated on the basis of these steps. Professionally, project management should be carried on the basis of different projects and the goals which are set up in order to achieve it. In simple words, the term project management (PM) refers to the planning, controlling and monitoring of projects. Many concepts and practices in project management are now well established and standardized (Kendrick 2004, Pp. 88-94). As part of most university courses in engineering, economics and computer science field are taught basic skills of project management. Worldwide, there are two major organizations that are dedicated to the topic of project management:
1.The American Project Management Institute (PMI).
2.The International Project Management Association (IPMA).
What, and if any, project management principles were followed?
1.Clear objectives: As far as the objectives of the project are concerned, they were clearly communicated through the meeting as depicted in the case study. The first and a major step of the successful project management are to define the objectives of the project (Greer 1996, Pp. 75-87). For instance, the objective is to manufacture innovative machinery for construction purpose or something like that.
2.A good project plan: As far as project planning is concerned, a project planning embraces two distinct points. Primarily, it facilitates every concerned person to appreciate and execute their respective roles according to the task. In addition, it explains who is accountable for what and guesstimates how many financial, human, equipments, and efforts would be needed to accomplish the task. Subsequently, it acts as a screening instrument, permitting you to take impulsive acts, if anything goes erroneous (Greer 1996, Pp. 75-87). According to the scenario, Bob is assigned a task to develop a schedule, and budget and present it to the executive management board, and head of operation was asked to get approval from the executive team. So this is a good project planning as Bob will look after the responsibilities of human, financial, efforts, and time required to accomplish the project.
3. Communication, communication, communication: As far as this part of the project management is concerned; it calls for a joint exertion flanked by everyone involved in the project as well as the firms that are concerned with the same project. As far as the given scenario is concerned, the communication was proper as it is depicted from the fact that the meeting was held for the purpose of communication and all the tasks were assigned. Moreover, Bob was asked to report to the head operations ...