Project Planning

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Project Planning

Project Planning

Company's Background

Winsome's sales department is responsible for setting prices, generating sales forecasts, monitoring sales activities, helping the sister company incorporate new products, and identifying new sales opportunities. Being the project manager of the company sales and marketing activities, it is necessary that, the goals and strategies should be made according to the requirements of the company. After meeting with the Sale Manager, I have gone through all the details which required.

Scope Statement

The scope of the project is to describe the deliverable of the team will produce and the detail level which is expected. For this project, it is necessary that Winsome and the sister company provides product specifications, photographs of the product, pricing structures, and marketing materials. It is necessary to advertise the product which is being introduced and its demand in the market.

Team Deliverables

At first it is necessary that there should be a project team which should be responsible of performing the sales task.

Product DevelopmentAssist with customer service / help desk calls.

Marketing team will be responsible for developing and delivering the marketing campaigns to promote the new product. It will be responsible for preparing customer communications and updates to the corporate website.

The decision making by this team should be related to the history of the project. If any wrong decisions taken before, they should rectify and correct it. A project team should make and decide according to the services they will deliver (Bradford and Duncan, 2000).

It contains all the description as to how should we achieve the vision of the business. The team should plans and set that targets at first, as approximately 80% of new businesses fail are mostly due to a lack of planning and the process planning, which is very necessary for the smooth flow of business. It is important for the plan ...
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