Project Management Techniques

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Project Management Techniques

Project Management Techniques


A great importance is in the start of the project management process. At project start it is necessary to achieve the project in defining the structure and organization of all necessary roles and define the project management of the communication flows within projects and between projects and the environment. Also need an identity for the projects to be created that is associated with a project culture. The project culture should contribute to the motivation of project staff during the project work. (Lewis , 2006, p.110 ) After the initial phase begins in the goal planning process. In carrying out the planning for the projects aim to make the methods of requirements analysis (for example, the objective analysis ) with a changed focus for the project using planning.

Project Management Techniques

Management by motivation

Identity and purpose

Greatest achievement motivation through a well-developed system of incentives

It is considered, whereby the individual is to motivate employees(Jörg, 2003, p.27)


Control behavior of employees

Consideration of individual motives and aspirations


Over-emphasis on material

Unilateral incentives

Neglect humane working conditions

Personal deficits for Weaker

Time Management

The internal dependencies between tasks and those from external events (eg the supply of products or materials that serve as inputs to particular tasks) may impact on the duration of the project, often in real-world projects by introducing the need to revise the previous planning. Another factor that impacts on the traditional time of the availability of resources, rather than the assumption (in the estimation ) productivity / performance significantly different from the actual real team. In most medium-sized projects of progress measurement, control and adaptation of the plan are part of the regular routine work of the project manager (Morgen , 2003, p. 96-101 ). Time is not considered a cost nor a resource since the project manager cannot control the speed with which he spent, and this makes the real difference with the other constraints.

The time course of the project depends on the structure of the adopted plan, in particular the degree of parallelism between the activities that make up the project, parallelism in turn depends on the number of resources used.

Time management is the first step to consider which of the targets in the Available working hours are to be achieved (effectiveness) and in a second step, these work to structure efficiently. When considering the improvement of working methods and processes must be tested on the one hand, how to work better, but on the other hand, also whether the activities carried out effectively support the desired goal. Effectiveness with the target orientation is described:

• Doing the right things

• Creative Alternatives create

• optimize use of resources

• Results achieved

• Earnings increase(Dennis, 2007 )

With the efficiency of orientation activities is described below:

• doing things right

• solve problems

• preserve resources

• Procedure to follow rules (Peter , 2003, p.63 )

• Reduce Costs

Through rigorous time management are the same tasks with less Effort done by the organization of their work ...
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