Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management


The main purpose of this report is to discuss the factors that affect the outcomes of the project. According to Ntamere, (1995) a Project is a discrete package of investment or endeavour, policy measures and institutional and other activities designed to achieve an objective or set of objectives within a designated period and involving the commitment of resources. To Osuagwu, (1997) a project simply means a series of related activities with a goal, a beginning, and an end. Hemuka, in his wisdom, in an unpublished lecture, described a project as a form of investment or development which entails the injection of scarce resources, and other materials including land with the aim of realizing its latent potentials in the form of yield, or for satisfying other social or economic benefits (Allen, 2000, p. 3). A project is a term that defines any sequence of events or process which entails the putting together of different resources towards the attainment of a goal.

Factors affecting the Outcome of a Project

Following are the factors that have an effect in the outcome of the project.

Project governance

Project governance is the main factor that has an effect on the outcomes of a project. One of Subsets of corporate governance is corporate governance and its main focus are in the corporate governance areas which have its relation to project activities including:

•Portfolio direction

•Project sponsorship

•Project and program management and efficiency

•Disclosure and reporting

Case Study:

One of the companies of Hotel industry developed a project plan of developing an information system. This information system also develops the partnership structure that involves the concerned individuals, private businesses and public sector organizations. The main initiators of this project are different event organization companies that work for promoting and developing different events for hotel and resort industry (Frame, 2007, p. 87). The rationale behind designing this project plan is to bring synchronization in the planning process of the project of developing an information system.

The main problem behind the development of information system is that mostly people do not know about the occurrence of such events. Therefore, the main purpose of this system design is to create the impression should not be created that there is not any event occurrence in the city. This system can help the people of the city about the status of the events (Dwyer, 2001, p. 39). The main aim of this information system is to understand this situation and bringing awareness to people about the events organized by hotels and resorts.

As per this project plan it analysts proposed that the foregoing objectives have to be fulfilled in three given sections 1) Making improvements in the events information gathering processes, 2) Making development in systems give extensive access to the event information, 3) Making promotion of the developed resources (Daellenbach, 2004, p. 76).

Another area for the proposal of the project of information system relates to the revenue generation that helps to project support.

This project got successful because the main reason behind this success is project ...
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