Every business organization, whether public or private, works on different sorts of projects. They apply their innovative and modern techniques on the development of various projects to administer and manage. The public sector organization works on public projects which are aimed to provide services to the customers following a non-profit motive. While, private institutions work for administering certain projects for the sake of earning profits.
This paper will discuss, in particular, the phases of a certain project management and administration. It will focus on all the steps of leading and coordinating a specific project and delivering it to the final customers. Moreover, the benefits and drawbacks of a specific planning and administering aspect of website development projects will also be considered. (Hamilton, 2004, pp. 72-97)
The term 'Project' is of common use in all the profit and non-profit organizations these days. It is referred to as a field of planning, organizing, securing and administrating resources to ensure a flourishing completion of particular project along with their goals and objectives. This term is commonly used interchangeable with program management, however technically that is actually a higher level construction: a group of related and somehow interdependent engineering projects. (James & Lewis, 2000, pp. 185-210)
A website project must be conducted with method: we must define a need, estimate a budget, and adopt rules for writing, testing the usability of the site, find accommodation to ensure performance and safety, refer and promote the site
We shall take a detailed look on the overall management and administration of a construction project. There are many types of construction projects which include the construction and engineering of dams and power plants. However, here, we will talk of managing the similar sorts of construction projects in general. The steps in planning a project include:
The pre-design phase
Analysis of the Objectives
Identification of stakeholders and sponsors
Developing the objective document
Planning the project
Project Funding
Risk Management
Implementation of the project plan
Evaluation of project
In the rest of the essay, we shall discuss these steps with respect to a construction project.
1. The Pre-design Phase
The objective of this phase is to have relevant information to reach the decision to start the project or not. These are technical information and identifying whether the skills and technical resources of the organization (or group of organizations) who leads the project can be mobilized internally and externally.
They are also economical and help define the economic balance of the project in terms of return on investment but they also provide information relative to the market. The result of this phase is usually a study of technical and economic feasibility.
When multiple projects are competing methods can be used in evaluation methods or methods of profit optimization constraints to define the most profitable project. The future project manager may be asked to participate in these studies as an expert.
2. Analysis of objectives
This includes analysis of timing, approach, milestones and feasibility. It has a period of two months to provide a draft for consideration by the ...