Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management


Project called all actions necessary to meet a specific need within a specified time. So a project is a temporary action with a start and an end, mobilizing resources identified (human and material) during its implementation, it also has a cost and therefore the subject of budgeting methods and an independent assessment of the enterprise. Called "deliverables" expected results of the project.

Known owner (sometimes project management, noted MOA) the entity carrying the need, defining the project purpose, timing and budget for this project. The expected outcome of the project is the realization of a product called book. Project management (English Project Owner) master basic idea of the project, and thus represents end users to whom the book is intended.

Thus, the client is responsible for the functional expression of needs but not necessarily the technical skills related to project execution Young-Hoon, 2005).

When the client does not have the business experience needed to steer the project, he may appeal to a project management support (including project management is the business). It speaks well for assistance with project (denoted AMO). The project management support (sometimes MOAD) is responsible for the interface between the contractor and the client to help the client to clearly define their needs and check with the master lumber if the goal is technically feasible. The project management support is not a substitute for all the project management and therefore has no direct responsibility with the supervisor.

The supervisor (or project management, noted MOE) is the entity selected by the developer to carry out work under the conditions of delivery, quality and cost determined by him under a contract. The prime contractor is responsible for the choices inherent in the technical execution of the works required by the project owner. The supervisor (English Project Supervisor) has responsibility within the framework of his mission to appoint an individual responsible for the smooth running of the project (usually referred to as the master project), this is the project leader.

To perform certain tasks in the project, when it has no internal resources, the supervisor may appeal to one or more companies, one speaks of outsourcing (and each company is known as subcontractor or supplier). Each subcontractor performs a subset of the project directly with the supervisor but has no direct responsibility with the project owner, even if it has a "right of scrutiny" on his way to work.

Project Management

The distinction between client and supervisor is essential in the implementation of the project because it serves to distinguish the responsibilities of both entities.

It should thus ensure that the definition of needs remains the sole responsibility of the contracting authority. In fact, it happens in some cases the contracting authority delegated to the prime contractor of choice of functional pretext of insufficient knowledge techniques (concretely the IT organization takes over and the pilot project at the stage of expression of needs). Now only the owner is able to know the need of its ...
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