Project administration and Organizational Strategy
Project Management and Organizational Strategy
In most associations, the approach taken for managing tasks evolves over years. Sure, you may start out with some out-of-the-box software solution, but that isn't exactly how you breeze up using it. For example, maybe Betty in payroll needs an every week email with your team's timesheet data. Even if you already use a tool that tracks the time the team works and where they spend it, you'll probably have to slash and paste your reports to rendezvous Betty's exacting specifications. Similar questions come up every time you require reporting information, making your processes inefficient.(Zollo, 2002, 369)
Project Management is effective in organization
Efficiency measures how well and productively a manger use his resources to achieve goals. Project management places heavy focus on how to acquire the right project team to perform project tasks and to close project successfully inside the agreed constraints.(Prahalad, 2009, 79) For example, in Human Resource Planning the project manager proactively boosts effectiveness by concluding on the Organizational Structure and Roles and Responsibilities to complete project tasks, then, when he later acquires project team, he obtains the right human resources according to the Roles and Responsibilities, and he decides on any training needs they may need completing their tasks. Project Manager should hold an eye on the Resource Availability; are resources over allocated? Is the Resource Usage bend smooth? Project Manager uses Resource Leveling as a tool to increase effectiveness by eliminating over allocation of resources and holding almost constant or smooth use of resources throughout the span of the project lifecycle. When it comes to the Monitoring & Controlling phase the project manager tries to increase effectiveness by resolving conflicts that may arise inside project team, and by reconsidering his team's performance so as to enhance the overall performance of the project.
On the other hand, Effectiveness measures the appropriateness of the goals that an organization is pursuing and the stage of achieving these goals. Again, this is a core measure in Project Management since it is all about applying knowledge and tools and techniques to achieve project goals. Building and measuring effectiveness in a project starts when the scope is characterized throughout Planning phase (Scope Management Plan, Scope Statement, and the Work Breakdown Structure-WBS).(Cepeda, 2007,426) Scope is constructed around goals and end-deliverables the customer or sponsor needs. A solid Scope Change procedure is compiled throughout the Scope Planning process. Through this procedure scope of project is kept under control throughout the whole lifecycle. At the end of each phase, and before moving to the next phase, the PM verifies the deliverables of the phase against the scope baseline to ascertain if the agreed upon scope is being contacted and to verify that the project in total is still appropriate and in line with the overall strategies of the company or the customer. As a result of this continuous control over scope corrective and preventive actions are taken to hold the project focused on the original plan or ...