Project Management

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Project Management Assignment

Project Management Assignment

Question 1 - Basics

a)Project, Project Management, and the Main Phases of a Project Life Cycle

A project is a temporal endeavor that is undertaken to achieve a specified objective. The project has a beginning and an ending in itself and it is completed when those objectives are met. A project's objective is to produce and deliver an output to the satisfaction of the executor, while being within the constraints agreed with the resources available. The project management approach is a framework for accomplishing project goals through a disciplined method of planning, controlling, and monitoring project activities. The four fundamental aspects of project management can be seen as the four basic processes of planning a project. This concerns the work done and its output (whether deliverable or not), the identity of resources their availability and use; costs; deadlines (Kerzner, 2003, p. 101-123). The project is normally concerned with the structural, organizational, budgetary and operational aspects of the endeavor.

b)Responsibility Matrix and its Application in Project Management

An important task in managing the project and indeed in management is to clearly define who is responsible for what task. This is where the tool of responsibility matrix is applied. At its core, it is very simple and is a table where the rows are usually lists of the project, and in columns - design roles. The works taken from the work breakdown structure (WBS) , the role of the - of the project organizational structure (OBS) . How to work and the role can be specified with varying degrees of detail. So, you can write "specialists", and you can paint all by name. In the early stages of project life cycle typically build the enlarged matrix of accountability, in the later - detailed (Esque, 1999, p. 99). At the intersection of work and roles denote whether the person is related to this work and, if so, how. Responsibility Matrix explicitly establishes the degree of responsibility of each participant for certain types of work, so it is very useful to make and communicate it to all project execution stage. If someone does not agree with the role assigned to him at the beginning of the execution of works - it is certainly not very good, but find out at the start - much better than before the finish. It is especially useful in clarifying roles and responsibilities in cross-functional/departmental projects and processes. Practice shows that it suffices the following concepts:

Responsible: for each operation must be specified one and only one responsible.

Artists: there may be more, but may be that he is responsible and performer. That is, in one cell can be more than one designation.

The approver: the man who claims to be a document (if the work involves the creation of the document). It can be only one.

Matching: the person who participates in the coordination of a document (if the work involves the creation of the document) (Baker, Kim, 1998, p. 130-146).

Question 2- Priority Matrix

The Three Constraints of Project ...
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