Project Management

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Project Management

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Executive Summary

The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the project of “Three gorges dam project in china”. The paper makes discussion on four areas of project management: risk management, stakeholder management, cost control and leadership. The paper makes discussion on the project management life cycle, and the different challenges faced by the project management life cycle. Project management is the process by which a project comes to a successful conclusion. It should have three dimensions: (a) clear objectives that describe the project scope that have its link to an organization and are quality, cost, and time oriented; (b) a management process inclusive of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling; and (c) all organizational levels, both strategic and tactical, addressed (Cox, 2008, p. 257). To paraphrase V. Martin (2002), project managers use the term project in quite an unambiguous way, although it can include many different types of activities. It can encompass a small and individual project; for example, planning and holding a momentous celebration. It can also refer to leading construction; for example, a project to build a new hospital, government building, water project, or more.

Table of Content


Chosen project4

Project Management Areas5

Risk Management5

Developing strategies for responding to risks7

Stakeholder Management9

Cost Control9


Project Management Life Cycle13

Challenges in the project Life Cycle17



Project Management


The main purpose of this paper is to make discussion on the aspects of the project life cycle and discuss the main challenges and the Project Management approaches in each of the main project phases from inception to de-commissioning. According to Frame (2007) a Project is a discrete package of investment or endeavour, policy measures and institutional and other activities designed to achieve an objective or set of objectives within a designated period and involving the commitment of resources. To Frame (2007) a project simply means a series of related activities with a goal, a beginning, and an end. Hemuka, in his wisdom, in an unpublished lecture, described a project as a form of investment or development which entails the injection of scarce resources, and other materials including land with the aim of realizing its latent potentials in the form of yield, or for satisfying other social or economic benefits (Adams, 2008, p. 32). A project is a term that defines any sequence of events or process which entails the putting together of different resources towards the attainment of a goal. This paper discusses the challenges faced in the traditional construction procurement route. The main emphasis of this paper is to make discussion on the challenges faced from the first stage till the last stage of the project life cycle in terms of traditional construction routes.

Chosen project

The project to be discussed in this paper is “Three gorges dam project in china”. Three gorges dam has its considerations as the world's largest hydropower project; it is considered to be the world's most recognized dam. This huge project has achieved a record of almost evacuation of almost 1.2 million people, flooding of almost 14 cities, 1375 villages, ...
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