Comparing and Contrasting Three Significant Projects In Terms Of Project Failure and Project Success
Comparing and Contrasting Three Significant Projects In Terms Of Project Failure and Project Success
Causes for Project Successes
After seeing the details of Scottish Parliament Building, Millennium Dome and O2 Arena, 2000 and 2007 and The London Ambulance System, 1992, we come to the point that following were the reasons responsible for the project success at Scottish Parliament Building, Millennium Dome and O2 Arena, 2000 and 2007 and The London Ambulance System, 1992.
At Scottish Parliament Building, Millennium Dome and O2 Arena, 2000 and 2007 and The London Ambulance System, 1992 we see that successful projects tend to follow a similar pattern regardless of the companies involved or the business and technical purpose of the project. There are myriad ways to fail when building large software systems. There are only a very few ways to succeed (Campbell & Knapp, 2000).
Successful projects that finish on time and within budget and contain all the functionality the client needed and requested will have certain things in common. It's important to study those factors, and how they contribute to a successful project. There is just as much to learn from doing something right as there is from doing it wrong (Campbell & Knapp, 2000). The recommended approach to software development, described in the preceding sections, has been developed and refined over many years specifically for the FileMaker Pro database environment. The methodology itself is a product of many developers' learning experiences. These developers have found the following keys to success for any software development organization:
•Strong Support From Stakeholders
Key stakeholders within your client's organization must support the project. You should find an executive with a vested interest in the successful outcome of the project. This key executive must have a bottom line responsibility to his/her personal career tied into the success of the project (Levine, 1994). It's your responsibility to show this executive a well-defined plan, and that the project team has a stake in the project's success. In addition, allow for continuous communication with the key executive in all aspects of the project as it moves through its lifecycle.
•Ample Funding
At Scottish Parliament Building, Millennium Dome and O2 Arena, 2000 and 2007 and The London Ambulance System, 1992 careful planning includes attention paid to determining realistic costs of development (Levine, 1994). It's your responsibility to have a method in place for determining development costs. Costs based on past or similar projects and communicated in ranges (in terms of dollars as well as development time) will let the client make sure there is enough funding to complete the project. Adequate funding is required for successful project completion.
•Realistic Expectations
You must always write a firm and clear requirements document outlining a project that is feasible for you to successfully complete. The document must be based on previous or similar projects or comprehensive research into the required technologies. After you determine the requirements, you must prioritize project needs and eliminate most of the extraneous ...