At the twist of the nineteenth century, a fresh party of politics rose up and that entire era was familiarized as the progressive era. This party founded its decision on the basis of what is right for the public rather the large businesses in the financial world. Two chief Presidents and leaders of the U.S., of that period were Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt. Although both the individuals participated a lot in the administration and office, but the question that raises here is about which one the more influential impacts had? Even their accomplishments and achievements were identical and equivalent in most of the areas, but the cake was taken by Wilson due to his actions of exempting unions from being impeached on the basis of trusts.
Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt were as the presidents throughout the Progressive Era, competed for presidency in the 1912's election. Both individuals went through with problems that were frequently caused by industrialization and large businesses, but still disapproved the nature of such issues and tried to work on such problems in order to find out the solutions. Roosevelt exploited the advantage of amplified efficiency carried out by large businesses but emphasized the need of legislation in the opposition of its abusive power whereas; Wilson took all the monopoly as intrinsically unproductive, infertile, and strained its abolishment (Avrich & Vanzetti, 1991).
Roosevelt came into the office as the existing President who was McKinley, got assassinated. His private ideas about the things a president is required to do in his office is that he must be a good leader even of the executive department and must be influential enough to set the governmental agendas for the Congress. The thing that is remembered by most of the people about Roosevelt is his 'Square Deal'. The deal was intended to favor neither the labor nor the businesses but he implemented that rule to a strike of coal where a strike was called by the coal miners in the year 1902. Ever since, winter was just about the place, Roosevelt got anxiety for the safety and security of public from heat so he called all the union leaders and mines owners to the White House. At the event of meeting, the owners would not demand anything unless the threat was received from the President that he would acquire the mines with the troops of federal. The owners ...