Program Development For Diabetic Health Problem

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Program Development for Diabetic Health Problem

Table of Contents


Literature Review4

Primary Research Data4

What is Diabetes?4

Lifestyle patterns4

Research Methodology6

Program development for Diabetes Health Problem8

Objectives of Program Development for Diabetes Health Problem8

Development Program for Diabetes Health program8

Division of Weeks8

Evaluation of program9

Budget Allocation of Program development for Diabetes Health Problem9



Program Development for Diabetic Health Problem


Diabetes contributes to deaths worldwide. The premature mortality has been largely attributed to non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular mortality accounts for about three-quarters of deaths in individuals with diabetes. Diabetes also contributes substantially to cardiovascular morbidity, increasing the risk of coronary heart disease by two to three times In addition to macro vascular complications, diabetes increases the risk of micro vascular diseases including nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease in Western countries Diabetic retinopathy accounts for approximately 5% of the global prevalence of blindness.

Millions of people are affected by Diabetes .Unfortunately million of people do not know they have diabetes because people does not focus and worry about health. Everyone should have to go for medical checkup and regular screening of blood.

There is need to development programs for giving awareness about diabetes. In this research paper, researcher has given the some steps for conducting developmental program for diabetes.

Literature Review

Primary Research Data

What is Diabetes?

According to Leandris (2008) Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs because the pancreas does not produce the amount of insulin the body needs, or the manufacture of inferior quality. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, is the main substance responsible for maintaining the appropriate values of blood sugar. It allows glucose is transported into the cells so that they produce energy or stored glucose until use is required. When it fails, causes an excessive increase of sugar in blood (hyperglycemia). In fact, the scientific name of the disease is diabetes mellitus, meaning "honey."

Lifestyle patterns


Obesity is an established risk factor for type 2 diabetes. People who were overweight or obese based on their body mass index were more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes. It has been unveiled that to stay healthy and fit people who are obese or heavy weight need to bring down their weights and exercise daily. The trends of today are such that the people can't wait for the for the problem to hit and they start taking action. They need to start off before hand.

However, experts emphasize that if the lifestyles of people are changed, then only one can get to see positive and immediate results in case of their health. If the level of activity, in terms of mobility, increases it will give out tremendous impact on the lives of these people.


Smoking increases the risk of type 2 diabetes; people have a significantly higher proportion of daily smokers People who smoked daily had a slightly higher chance of being diagnosed with diabetes than nonsmokers. Regular physical activity reduces the risk of diabetes. Being active, compared to being inactive, during leisure time is associated with an increased likelihood of reporting ...
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