Profile Paper

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Profile Paper

Profile Paper


The main purpose of this profile essay is to observe a place and conduct interview on that place. In order to conduct a profile essay the place which has been chosen in this paper is “The Roundhouse Railroad Museum”. I have chosen this museum to be analyzed is because it has a rich history and is very famous among the people in Savannah Ga. It is famous of being one of the biggest Antebellum railroad repair facility prevailing in the existing world. The reason why I am interested in observing Roundhouse Railroad museum is its uniqueness. The museum is a complete depiction of culture and rituals of Savannah. The museum is visited by different people on national and international level. The museum is mainly attracted by the people having keen interest in railways. There is a great role of this museum in community. It helps in providing knowledge and information to the community members. In order to conduct an analysis on the Roundhouse Railroad Museum, I have conducted an interview and observations.


In order to provide an analysis on Roundhouse Railroad museum, I have conducted an interview with the Manager of the museum. The main purpose of this interview is to get the knowledge and information about the Roundhouse Railroad Museum. Given below are some interview questions which have been asked from the manager of Roundhouse Railroad Museum.

Question 1: What is the history of Roundhouse Railroad Museum?

Question 2: What are the timings of Roundhouse Railroad Museum?

Question 3: Do you offer the facilities of train ride?

Question 4: What is the duration of each Ride?

Question 4: Do you allow events to be held in Roundhouse Railroad Museum?

Question 5: Who are the main visitors at Roundhouse Railroad Museum?

Question 6: What are the main attractions for visitors?


Along with the interview, I have also conducted a deep observation on Roundhouse Railroad Museum. I have visited the place and observed the people there and learnt a lot about the place and the people. The Roundhouse railroad museum is very crowded place. There were many visitors at Railroad Roundhouse Museum. These visitors belonged to different age group and each and every age group was present there and taking interests in trains. It is a common perception that museums are mostly visited by adults, but this is a unique museum which is liked and attracted by people belonging to all ages whether young, adults or children.

This is a unique museum showing trains and railroads. The rides of the trains were the main centre of attraction in this museum. My heart was full of joy when I took rides in trains. It was the real amusement for me. The agents presented there, increased the visitor's knowledge by providing an insight about the history and the creators of these trains. In a thirty minute ride I was blessed with fun, excitement and knowledge about the trains.

Profile Essay

In order to analyze the Roundhouse Railroad Museum, interview and observations have been conducted. These observations and interview from manager have ...
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