With reference to by your specialism, discuss what is meant professionalism in the lifelong learning sector and analyse the impact of your own professional values and judgements on teaching and learning?
The role of a professional in the lifelong learning sector is thus extremely diverse; you may be called a lecturer, a tutor, a trainer, an instructor, an assessor, a work-based learning or an apprentice supervisor, a learning manager or a prison education officer. Some of you may have gained skills and experience through another trade or profession, for example as an engineer, hairdresser or bricklayer. What you are likely to have in common is that you will all have a teaching or training function with learners aged 16 and above. For the purpose of this book we will use the term 'teacher' generically to apply to all these various roles and 'learner' to apply to those who you may also call students, pupils or apprentices. (Pastore G., 2007, 62-78)
Professional teachers in the lifelong learning sector also share in the common purpose of serving the needs of learners, employers and the community. They face the challenges of working in a context which is diverse and rapidly changing. The past decade has seen significant change for the sector; the next decade will be marked by the emergence of new funding bodies taking over from the Learning and Skills Council and local authorities taking on enhanced responsibilities for 14-19 planning and funding. (Pastore G., 2007, 62-78)
The government is convinced that the lifelong learning sector has never been more crucial in raising the overall level of skills and ensuring the UK remains competitive in the world economy. You will be expected to play a role in helping to meet current key targets; these include ensuring all adults are functionally literate and numerate, all 19 year olds have a Level 2 or equivalent (5 GCSEs at Grade A*?to C) and that learners are qualified to meet vital skills shortages. It is expected that 50% of 18-30 year-olds will progress to university by 2010. In order to meet these targets more young people will need to remain in education and training and more will need to succeed; lifelong learning professionals are accountable for such performa. A new framework of teacher qualifications for the Learning and Skills sector was introduced in England in September 2007. From now on all teachers, trainers and tutors offered jobs in colleges and other publicly funded organisations will need to have an appropriate teaching qualification. This followed various reports indicating that some learners were not being taught by properly qualified and experienced staff. The government sees a professional workforce as a key element in realising its aim to raise standards, to get rid of poor performance in colleges and to enable colleges to respond more effectively to employers' needs. (Pastore G., 2007, 62-78)
If you are preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector it ...