When understanding and comprehending the word learning, several complete, concise, coherent and clear definitions shall be undertaken for the purpose and objective of making effective of all the work that has been passed on from generation to generation.
In circles and clusters of education, the term learning community has become a more general term; almost every society, community and even the marketplace where the business occurs has made effective use for the purpose and objective of making learning a more approachable, practical and effective approach to everyone living in the society.
Various examples that have been displayed in front of us include extension classroom and in-class practices and practical undertakings within the community, intending current and potential personnel into the locality, bringing people of the community and introducing them to the new students in order for them to become effective contributors to society, improve curricular activities and at the same time intending students to them accordingly.
The Beginnings of Professional Learning Community
During the 80's, factors of teacher's workplace were brought to books and discussing teaching quality, ensuring that teachers who felt supported in their own ongoing learning and classroom practice were more committed and effective than those who did not receive such confirmation. Support by means of teacher networks, cooperation among colleagues, and expanded professional roles increased teacher efficacy in meeting students' needs. Further, it was concluded and obtained that teachers with a high sense of their own efficacy were more likely to adopt new classroom behaviors and also more likely to stay in the profession.
Attributes of a Professional Learning Community
There are five key items that yield in the undertaking and establishment of a sound and smooth learning community. These include support and shared leadership, collective creativity, shared vision and values, supportive conditions and shared personal practice.
Support and Shared Leadership intends that the educational and facilitative participation of the principal, teachers and counselors who shares leadership - and thus, practice and participate in the name power, authority and working as a team - make efficient use through inviting staff input in decision making.
Collective Creativity suggest synergy where individuals and people make way for effective and efficient and joint efforts for making important decision in the name of making valuable use of traits and skills of students in the educational institutions. This implies collective learning among staff and application of that learning to solutions that address students' needs.
Shared vision and values the eye of the future that a team leader - be it be a teacher, the floor coordinator or even the principal - should all be aligned in the name of making significant change and bring in effective principles for delivering education to students that is not only book smart, but also makes them street smart as well. For this purpose, review of each teacher's classroom behavior by peers should be undertaken and given to the instructor as a feedback; in case of default, assistance activity should be extended ...