Professional Development Program for Educational Institute
Table of Contents
Question 14
Use of Data4
Issues for Faculty Members5
Issues for Administration and Support Staff Members6
Addressing the Issues6
Administration and Support7
Needs for Implementation7
Short-Term Goals8
Long-Term goals8
Recommended Strategies to Make These Decisions and Reach These Goals10
Aims and Objectives of Plan10
Professional Development Evaluation Methods11
Participants Evaluations11
Participant Assignments Evaluation11
Direct Instructions11
Practical Demonstrations12
One-on-One Assistance12
Direct Implementation12
Communication Plan12
Change and Leadership Models15
Behavioral Model of Leadership15
Hybrid Model of leadership for Special Education Schools16
Decision-Making Strategies That Support the Timeline18
Budgetary, Human Resources, Legal, and Ethical Implications18
Question 321
Change Theory and Leadership21
Change Management22
Role of Leadership in Successful Change Plan23
Implementing a Change Management Plan25
Key Actions in Change Plan26
Change and Innovation26
Knowledge Management28
Professional Development Program for Educational Institute
Question 1
This question addresses the development and implementation of a professional development plan. The perception of professional, individual development has diverse significance and importance, depending on whether it gets used by analysts, developers of techniques for New Age, trainers, educators and labor specialists, such as the International Labor Organization (ILO) which include the goals of higher education and decent work. The personal development objectives can be referred to the enhancement of self-knowledge, talent and potential, improvement of the quality of life, and the realization of its aspirations and dreams.
Use of Data
For developing the plan, the institution will need sufficient details of the pros and cons of the professional development plan implementation. For this purpose, secondary data are most suitable.
A need assessment is important for analyzing the growing issues and problems that faculty, and other staff members are facing. This may be done through a survey process induced by the administration of human resource management. The data will be collected from a wide range of teacher from pre-school to secondary level. Further to this all the support staff member will be analyzed for the improvement of professional development process. The results of assessment will make the teachers feel that there is a need for enough training and information provision in relation to new techniques and procedures for teaching kids with exceptional education need (Vroom, 2002). They will know that there is a need of new technology in the class room teaching procedures for interactive sessions. Teachers need time and training (remained constant throughout the survey), therefore, training for personal development is important. Besides, motivation is required in term of social and financial security.
Issues for Faculty Members
The driving forces of IDCSN are the faculty members; who get appropriately trained, motivated and empowered to contribute and believe in teamwork for success and deliverance of care to students with SEN in line with their Credo as part of their work philosophy. Most of the issues developed in the last five years are due to the environment and political status of the country. Some of these issues are low pay, high working hours, special training hours, no motivation, and students become overly dependent on teacher behavior of students (Vroom, 2002).
These faculty members of the institutes are professional, trained nurses, teachers (for disable students), volunteers (who are students), and interns. They believe that they get underpaid as compare to the type of attention they are ...