Profession Of Arms

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Profession of Arms

Profession of Arms

For years now, the United States Military has been looked upon as a highly disciplined career that offers training, medical and dental benefits and a retirement after 20 years of active service. A professional soldier in the United States of America is considered to be a volunteer and an expert who is certified by the profession of arms to uphold sacrifice and service as per the constitution and serve the nation . A professional soldier should always adhere to the code of ethics of the profession and have good ethical standards. Development into a professional soldier is gradual and develops while working and living the environment and surrounded by the culture of true and genuine professionalism.

It cannot occur in the early stages of the career in the military and thus it requires years of working to develop into one. The soldiers have to be experts who have assumed the character and identity of the profession. The professionalism in soldiers enables them to perform their duties with lots of motivation and inspiration. Consequently, a professional soldier should meet very high standards of profession I.e. character, competence, expertise and morality. This is attained through rigorous training and educating the soldiers on how to serve the nation and the constitution as professionals.

Most members of the modern military organizations are convinced of being different from the rest of society. The very specific culture of the armed forces, their system values and their position relative isolation within the society to bring into effect collected separately. Especially, the mission's soldiers underline the impression unlike the rest of the national community. The fact that the military is eventually forced to take the life or sacrifice them for the achievement of military and political set for them indeed contributes to the feeling of ...
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