Process Redesign Report

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Process Redesign Report


In this paper, we have presented the ways in which the organization can redesign its processes in order to make the work process more efficient. Furthermore, the current process has also been discussed, and its advantages and the constraints have also been presented. Keeping in view the methods that are currently being used, improvements have been made in the new process, which have been presented in the paper. In the end, it can be said that by redesigning the process and by implementing the new process, the working will become more efficient, which in turn, will benefit the organization in the long run.

Process Redesign Report


Business Process Redesign is a growing practice in the central and national competitiveness in global markets. Under this approach, companies are seen as networks of commitments between people with refined work practices that allow perfect coordination. Workflow is a tool that allows the redesigning of processes and their management (Hilstrom, 2002).

Competitive setting Procedures and policies

The workflow-type tools give solid support to the redesign of processes, to design, implement and monitor solutions, process automation, enabling integration with existing software applications in the organization. The basic functionality should provide a workflow are: electronic forms design, design of company organization, workflow design, identification of process maps, process monitoring chart, graphic simulation, version management processes, facilities Flobots (define implementation steps performed by a trained for this work), open and scalable architecture and web functionality (Hilstrom, 2002).

Skills and training of the individuals needed to perform the process

As the individuals working in the organization will be familiar with the current working procedures, it is important for the organization to provide them with the required skills and training, in order to make them familiar with the new working procedures that are going to be applied in the organization. As, due to the process redesign, the procedures and ways of performing different tasks in the organization will change, it is important to get the employees ready before its implementation, to avoid any stoppage in the work. Therefore, training programs will be arranged for the employees. First, they will be given all the theoretical details of the procedures, ways and sets of rules that will be followed in the future, after which they will also be provided with the practical training, by allowing them to work according to the new procedures, ways and set of rules, while also monitoring their work. By giving employees this training and by making them familiar with the new ways of working, the organization can make sure that the employees can perform their tasks as fluently, as ever (Hilstrom, 2002).

How and if available, the current process was designed

The current process was designed keeping in view the feasibility of the employees. According to the current process payment was made to the suppliers after receiving the payments from the buyers. Before making the payments to the suppliers, the purchase made is recorded against the payables. Furthermore, once the suppliers have provided with the supplies, the payables are recorded ...
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