Process Involvement Of Probation With A Probationer

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Process involvement of probation with a probationer

Process involvement of probation with a probationer


Probation is the most common form of criminal sentencing in the United States. It can be defined as a court ordered disposition alternative according to which an offender is placed under the direct control and supervision of the probation officer. Offenders under probation are ordered to refrain from the possession of any firearms they may also be ordered to remain employed and abide to a curfew established by the court. The offender is also forced to reside at a specified place. The offender is ordered by strictly comply with all the orders given by the probation officer. The offender is forbidden from contacting any individual associated with his crime, also he is not allowed to communicate with any other offender. Most offenders are fitted with electronic monitors that give the whereabouts of the offender at all times. During probation the offender is also ordered to refrain from alcohol consumption and in most cases the offenders are required to perform community services (Petersilia, n.d).

Thesis Statement

Even though probation is a far less expensive option instead of incarceration, there are still many elements that need to be improved and the caseloads have a direct impact on how effective a probation officer is it should be kept as minimum as possible, in order to ensure the probationer is given adequate time with the probation officer.


Probation process

Once a defendant pleads guilty the judge usually requests a pre sentencing interview with the offender with the probation department. The probation officer is responsible for conducting the interview with the offender, and in juvenile cases the offender and his parents. During this period the probation officer analyses the offenders criminal records and history, conducts a personal background check after the completion of this process the probation officer based on the gathered information makes sentencing recommendations to the judge who may sentence the offender on probation for up to one year. The probation officer is accountable for monitoring the offender and ensuring that the conditions are all in compliance to the judges' orders. If in any situation the probation officer has failed to follow the specified conditions the court may intervene and take further actions (Anonymous, 2012).

The probations sentencing might involve the following conditions

Fines and court costs

Probationer is required to pay the fines, fees and costs incurred by the court for the probationer's case. The amount the probationer has to pay depends on the situation and the type of crime committed. Every offender is given the option to perform community services instead of paying the costs.

Jail and Detention

Depending on the offense the judge has the authority to order a probationer to jail. In most cases if the probationer fails to comply with the rules or with the probation officer the judge might chose to sentence the offender to jail

Home Detention

In case of any violation in the probation process a juvenile probationer might be sentenced to home detention. According to which the offender is forced to wear an ...
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