Procedures For Assessing Risk Of Fire-Setting In Adolescents

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Procedures for Assessing Risk of Fire-Setting in Adolescents

Executive Summary

This report deals with the assessment criteria essential for analysing the risk procedure involved in the firesetting among youngsters. Firesetting as a common behaviour results in mental and legal health system involvement. Thus, about 62,000 arsons are engaged annually in the United Kingdom, with a nearly 1 billion in losses each year. The research will surely provide evidence, practioner and theory advice into one of the accessible research. The contemporary overviews for the best practice in relation to the intervention and assessment, which includes in offenders and women with the intellectual disability, are being provided. It is essential for differentiating various major terms that relates to the firesetting, as not every firesetter have yet engaged in committing arson. In broader sense, the firesetting is the behaviour which includes both the intentional (with or without criminal intent) and accidental setting of the fires (like falling asleep with the cigarette).

Table of Content

Executive Summary1


Assessments Criteria3

Discussion And Analysis3

Analytical Approach4

How it works4

What is the difference between fire cause pathological firesetting?4

What are the most frequent victims of fires started by children?4

The Behavior of Firesetting4

Firesetting and Mental Health5

Psychopathology: Factors for Firesetting5

Firesetting: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment7

Techniques and Steps8

What are the Benefits in Telling Children about Fire Safety?8

Targeting Those Most at Risk8

Measuring the Impact8

A Focused Approach: Workshop for the Adolescents9

National Recognition9

Behaviour and Empirical Relationship9

Neuro-Developmental, Developmental Features and Family History10

Intellectual Disability and Neuro-Developmental Disorders10

Criminal Responsibility: Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity10

Other Family and Developmental Factors11




Procedures for Assessing Risk of Fire-Setting in Adolescents


Firesetting is the common behavior which is frequently encountered through forensic mental health experts in consulting on the civil legal and criminal legal cases. Despite is its prevalence; the minimal attention that has been paid in the literature in order to conduct a firesetting related forensic evaluations. Through this paper, we try to provide the research analysis and also the psychological knowledge that can contribute towards out project (Lewis & Yarnell, 1951).

The estimated of the prevalence for the firesetting in the community youth vary the substantially through the operational informant and definition. The low base rates for firesetting (from 1 to 4%) have been reported when the malicious intent for causing serious damage that includes under this topic or even when the caregivers are informants.

Firesetting as a common behaviour results in mental and legal health system involvement. Thus, about 62,000 arsons are engaged annually in the United Kingdom, with a nearly 1 billion in losses each year. Arson is the crime that is the easiest way to commit, as it require no weapon and it can be set through individuals with the substance and psychiatric use problems. Moreover, firesetting as a regular encountered through mental health experts in consulting on the legal cases (Yesavage, 1983, 128- 30).

Assessments Criteria

A brief intervention for this project aims to be developed to:

Examine the factors that contribute to a Adolescent fire involvement,

Evaluate risk for injury due to fire,

Evaluate risk for further fire involvement,

Develop an intervention plan to reduce a child/youth's risk, ...
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