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Problems Of Trade Unions

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Critically discuss one of the main problems facing trade unions today and evaluate how they have responded to this problem

Problems of Trade Unions


Trade unions are the professional association of workers that are created in order to protect the economic interests of workers. The benefits of trade unions known to many because these associations do not allow entrepreneurs to all kinds of way infringe on the rights of their employees. Barack Obama has already showed many times his love of the trade unions. But whether these associations are so good? Are there any negative effects of trade unions on the economy? It turns out that there is. That's what I want to tell you today. (Webb, 1997, pp. 159-67)

Nowadays, many people ask "What union?” There are different points of view in response to it, so, according to VI Bashmakov and Sh.Z. Sanatulova, the union is "a major independent institution of society, from the operation of which depends largely on the formation of market relations, the emergence of the welfare state, the development of economic democracy "[1]. In addition to this, V. Averchenko believes that "ideally, the trade union movement contributes to the establishment of such a level of remuneration for work of an employee in which he decides where to rest, to be treated in a child care centre to give his child because wages can independently and fully pay for such services "[3]. But, unfortunately, still far from ideal and this situation is largely due to the low ranking of trade unions in the public mind, and due to a low degree of credibility. For example, according to a study in 2002 VTsIOM Yuri Levada [4], slightly less than a third of respondents (30,5%) were in favor of full or partial "credibility" to the unions, for "suspicion" - 37,5%. And it is a serious problem for the organization, and they appear in response to a lack of awareness about the activities of trade unions, their position and role in civil society, and are a consequence of the prevailing stereotypes regarding the trade-union organizations. (Walters, 2002, pp. 49-68)

History and nature of trade unions The cause of the union is in a conflict that arises between an employer and employees. During the Industrial Revolution, the conflict arises from the fact that the capitalists are just so laid off workers, increased working hours, reduced wages of workers and made many other bad things in respect of its employees, simply to make their production more efficient. Trade unions have been created just to protect the rights of workers. The first union was formed in 1792. It was the Union of Lancashire spinners (it is not surprising that labour unions were born just in the UK, because there just before the industrial revolution). At the end of the century, unions began to appear like mushrooms. It is important to their advantage was that they did not unite people to a particular company, and employees of the same ...
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