Problems in Steganography, Watermarking and Hybrid Information Security Models: Crypto-Steg & Steg-Crypto Systems
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Rational for the study5
Thesis Statement7
Aims and objectives8
Research Questions8
Rationale for chosen design9
Search Strategy9
Study selection criteria11
How the quality of the evidence will be assessed and reviewed12
Data Extraction strategy12
Consideration of Rigour12
Consideration of Ethics13
Data Analysis13
Gantt chart (February 2012 - June 2013)15
Proposed budget and resources16
Rational for the study
Information Security is one of the critical issues in the field of computer science due to mounting level of security violations in digital networks. Many information security systems have been developed to protect the piracy of the information for instance Steganography, digital watermarking, and other hybrid information security models which includes Crypto-Steg & Steg-Crypto Systems. Steganography is the discipline of hiding messages within apparently innocuous cover data such as audio, video, images, etc. Watermarking is the application of steganography to exercise control above the cover data itself, for instance implanting copyright labels in a copyrighted image, or embedding signals to map out a replica of any song that is dispensed over file-sharing networks. In both cases the aim is protecting the concealed information at the same time as avoiding getting discovery of such security measure. A hacker hits the steganographic algorithm by deforming the cover data so as to remove any concealed information or make them barely discernible. The hacker also endeavors to identify the secreted communication data. In applications such as secret communication, any proof at that entire steganographic message is going on represents a malfunction of the information security system. In digital watermarking systems the requirement for camouflage is comparatively less strict, but any data about a watermark's arrangement can be employed by the foe to process an attack. A more advance means of information systems are based on Hybrid information security systems that are Crypto-Steg System and Steg-Crypto System. These systems have many advanced features as compared to digital steganography and watermarking but they are also not flawless. This purpose of this research is to carry out research to present range of problems with each security information system in details.
Definitions of key terms
Steganography is the discipline of hiding messages within apparently innocuous cover data such as audio, video, images, etc. Digital steganography refers to modifying a digital object (cover) to encode and conceal a sequence of bits of a message to facilitate covert communication.
Watermarking is the application of steganography to exercise control ...