Problems are the part of everyday life that are printable and can be calculated in terms of quantitative. Sometimes problems can also be qualitative that cannot be calculated or predicted. Therefore the phenomenon to be understood should be considered with respect to consider several questions. The strategies of problem solving can be done on the strategy of teaching based on stimulating students to think and proposing alternatives or hypotheses and tested. Begins with the teacher asking a question or problem is mentally challenging for students, and ask them to study this problem and observe phenomena related to them. After the hypotheses put forward to explain or solve the problem. Then students begin testing those hypotheses or alternatives to reach the optimal solution. In the literature, there have been identified different approaches to problem solving which together with the methods used by people in everyday situations will be the focus of this essay.
Education, as a concept, is a mistaken notion as we refer in everyday level and from undifferentiated use, different extensions of this concept, each of which has its own domain. Also, education is receiving an instruction on skills and abilities; also is being educated or instructed in such knowledge and learn to master these disciplines. Education is thus a concept segmented by the different domains corresponding to each of its extensions. Also, one of those extensions is the notion of training, instruction, or education. Understand academic institution in the sense that, historically, societies have conveyed the process of transfer of knowledge from one generation to the other. That is, in one form or another, there are some institutions, traceable throughout all historical societies, whose function was to transmit to future generations the knowledge acquired by the above.
We are surrounded by an imaginary jail that cannot be seen. Our minds are salved and will be kept in prison if we will not give priority to the conventional thinking. We are just blindly following, what our ancestors did. Schools are made to educate students not to make them slaves. Parents blindly believe on schooling system and remain satisfied without knowing what can go wrong with their child if he/she is little aggressive or weak in education.
Schools need to focus on individual development and training. The first lesson should be to increase self-esteem and confident. Everything taught is out of context. Students learning should be started from the universal, and open learning so, it would be easier absorb. The examples should be given from the daily lives. The things which discussed are just for the sake of completing the details of text book not, for learning purpose. The connection of the student is always missing. Students feel more comfortable when they connect with the actual situations and when connected to their daily life happening. A student can easily tell the story of the movie but difficult to learn the paragraph or page of a ...