This paper intends to explore about the importance of display of collections. Collections are basically done and maintained by two main groups namely private collectors and the public museums. This paper will explore the main differences in the significance of 'collections' by both the groups. Further, the paper will also compare and contrast the importance of display of collections for the private collectors and the public museums. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the significance of 'collections' and its importance with respect of its possessor i.e. private collectors or the public museums.
People who are passionate and keen to know about their past or history usually are involved in the process of collections. 'Collections' particularly refers to collecting, maintaining, organizing and displaying old and antique items which usually possess immense value. All around the world, people share their interests in archeology; however, the nature of interests differs. The phenomenon of 'private collections' reflects the passion of those who hold their interests in 'history.' On the other hand, public museums are important for the nations because they tend to display the national history and background to all the visitors and even residents of any country (Victoria, 2007 Pp. 125-150).
Private collectors and museums both claim that they represent the public interest. The core activities, interests and values of private collectors and museums usually differ. Museums tend to collect and display things for the nation, thus promoting the national welfare. However, private collectors usually collect because of their keen interest in this area. The significance of museums has always been evident throughout the human history. The role of museums is now changing with the passage of time (Eilean, 1992 Pp. 50-75).
Public Museums
Public museums are commonly known for their activities of collection, preservation and also sharing the historic backgrounds of any nation. With the passage of time, museums have gone beyond their traditional roles. Museums are now also assumed to participate in the development of communities. Museums possess the ability to restructure the identities of communities. Also, museums intend to bring different groups of communities together with an attempt to addressing the differences that prevails within communities (Amy, 2007 Pp. 200-225).
Museums possess the power of their collections through which they can address the social issues. Museums tend to acquire the private collections of people in order to make the collections more influential. Museums are known for acquiring 'historic' pieces from various dealers and private collectors for more than a century now. The importance of collection of museums is immense. Museums collect and display its collections in order to promote the national solidarity by the means of displaying the 'antique' and 'historic' pieces (Gaynor, 2006 Pp. 200-304).
The significance of the collections of museums cannot be denied. Museums have collections which are important from various perspectives. The most important task of the collections of museums is to educate people and visitors about the ...