Prisoners' Constitutional Rights

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Prisoners' Constitutional Rights


The degree of civilization of a society can be judged by entering its prisons. A society cannot be recognized as a civilized society, unless you treat prisoners with kindness and affection. This treatment is not possible until society recognizes and accepts its fundamental human rights and fundamental rights. A prisoner is a prisoner or under trial or decent, no longer a human being. Even when presented in the jail, which continues to enjoy all their basic human rights and fundamental rights as the right to life guaranteed under the Constitution. To be convicted of a crime and deprived of their liberty in accordance with the procedure established by law, prisoners shall retain the other constitutional rights.

Constitutional Rights Of Prisoners


Throughout history, many have questioned what prisoners should be granted rights and these issues of what a prisoner's rights have come to the forefront of American society and politics in recent months due to abuse in prisons alleged in military prisons, but we still have to deal with prisoners' rights for those incarcerated in local, state and federal prisons in the United States. The issue of prisoners 'rights and the rights that a prisoner must have is often a matter of division and although not given much public attention, there are serious questions that must be considered in the area of prisoners' rights.


Generally, when one enters the prison system are giving up fundamental rights of freedom and certain freedoms in return for his crime against society. While these sacrifices freedoms are often justified, there is a delicate balance to be struck from all prisoners have certain rights simply because they are human beings. This study will examine the issue both in general and more specifically the rights of prisoners, corrected some issues in the field of research. Although opinions will be minimal, it is important to make the claim that even though one can push the prisoners to be granted certain rights, this is not suggesting that should be allowed to live like the rest of society equal rights. Without the elimination of certain fundamental rights, the prison system would become useless, therefore, the central issue is finding the balance between human rights against the most fundamental rights "small" prisoner of the person detained would enjoy (Ryan Wayne , 1983).

Although the United States jails and prisons has been since its inception, the extent to which fundamental rights must be observed in the case of prisoners has always been controversial. Some feel as if entering prison, the prisoner should have no rights whatsoever, beyond indicating that he or she can not be killed by the state without a trial. According to some, when one goes to jail is because they have violated society in some way and must pay for his crime. Since torture do not offer a solution, this group would say the worst way to "make them pay" would take away their rights. Of course, this would constitute cruel and unusual punishment and must be countered with ...
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