As a Criminologist Advisor to the State Legislature, I have been chosen to provide a prison term policy on armed robbery. Currently the legislature will soon be voting on a bill that would double the maximum prison term for anyone convicted of armed robbery. First, I want to define the legal definition of armed robbery by Black's Law Dictionary definition: a robbery aggravated form, the defendant is a dangerous weapon, but we do not need to prove that he used the weapons to practice robbery. From the person or by use of force to another existing property, or threats, with a dangerous weapon the use of force.
Armed robbery can be defined as through the violent seizure of even the most involved in killings in the community, involved in the process of using the weapon stats. It involves the deprivation of the rights of human behavior, by force of the robbers to use his / her property, is against the law. So you will find that there is a forced intimidation which is imposed on victim /victims by the use of force . Armed robbery take many forms and a good example to explain this is when a thief grabs a purse off the victims hands while on the other hand armed robbery involves the use of violence that is the robber is forced to use weapons . But in this case whether one uses a weapon to threaten another person or whether a robber snatches ones pulse and runs away with it is a bad habit which needs to be stopped in most of the societies . This is because there is a growing case of insecurities which is happening in most of the societies and is going to try and recommend the policy of doubling the maximum prison term for the armed robbers here in Kenya. Policy of doubling the prison term is the way to go. This is the time the state has to fight the war of crime and the only way to do this is through putting in to action some policies which will eventually fight crimes in our state . Crimes can have its own negative impacts to the members of the state and also to the state at large. You find that more resources have been put in place to fight crimes but all these methods which have been used have all proved ineffective due to the fact that the issue of criminals is increasing day and night .Policies need to be put in place instead of putting the countries resources in trying to combat this particular behavior . Am proposing the policy of doubling the prison term for those people who are convicted with the armed robbery since I tend to think it 's through this policy that most of the criminals plus those people still wanting to become criminals will be in a position to deter their behaviors and engage in ...