Developing Leaders with Emotional Intelligence Ability6
Analysis of Book: Primal Leadership by Goleman
The basic theme of this book is a leader's top quality is that he inspires good feelings in his followers through creating resonance, which according to the writer, is a pool of positivity that brings out the best in individuals. Managing emotion is the primary or primal job of leader. This quality of the leader determines the overall effectiveness of a leader. This is the reason why element of emotional intelligence is vital for leaders. Emotional intelligence is underlining requirement of primal leadership.
The book proves the importance of emotional intelligence and how it drives resonance, furthermore, how it affects performance and how to comprehend its influence. The book highlights that leader's action and mood can have positive or negative effect on its followers, and how leader can use emotional intelligence to inspire enthusiasm and motivate individuals. The book points out how leaders lead during times of chaos, how leaders stay up heals during times of crises, how leaders motivate and inspire others, how leaders use excitable elements to foster a creative environment. Writer argues, what kind of impact we can have on our lives, at organizations, as well as homes, if we are surrounded by resonant leaders. One quality that differentiates leader from non-leaders is quality of intelligently manage emotions, a quality which is at the heart of resonant leader (Goleman, Boyatzis, McKee, 2004).
Resonant leader and Emotional Intelligence
In today's business environment, role of managers and leaders has expanded to manage emotions in order to be effective. Leadership styles such as “Autocratic style” are no more acceptable. Quality of being emotionally intelligent has become prerequisite for success at all levels (Pahl, 2008). Leader with emotional intelligence is more able to foresee and manage changes in organization. See Figure 1 (in an appendix), which illustrates, model of EI by Salovoy and Mayer's (1997) (Pahl, 2008). Resonant leaders have the ability to listen and hear its followers, ability to stir trust. Such leaders lead through values and are able to stand firm in the face of tough times. Not only resonant leaders know their power but also how to use it. In order to become a resonant leader we must test our own emotional intelligence, we should know what is our understanding and interpretation of emotional intelligence, where do we stand (McKee, Boyatzis, Johnston, 2008).
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence
Ability to inspire and create passion for work is an art of the great leader and how they do it, through managing emotions. Leaders have multiple tasks, effectiveness of every task depends how they drive emotions, because until followers will not follow by heart, leadership is useless. Leaders mood can have a vital impact on outcomes, one leader who shouted on his staff will not be equally effective form one which lead with a smile on his ...