Prevention Of Drunken Driving

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Prevention of Drunken Driving

Prevention of Drunken Driving

Drunk driving is a very serious problem in our society today, but it is becoming socially unacceptable causing the numbers of alcohol related traffic fatalities to decline considerably. Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable. Although the proportion of crashes that are alcohol-related has dropped dramatically in recent decades, there are still far too many such preventable accidents. Unfortunately, in spite of great progress, alcohol-impaired driving remains a serious national problem that tragically affects many victims annually. It's easy to forget that dry statistics represent real people and real lives. In this paper we analysed different studies and research articles related to the issue Drunken Driving.

It is critically anlysed from Research Report by the Wells-Parker, Elizabeth; Bangert-Drowns, Robert; Mcmillen, Robert; And Williams, Marsha, that drunk driving can be very deadly. Drunk drivers are blamed for the loss of as many as twenty-five thousand lives in crashes each year and hundreds of thousands of severe injuries. On average a drunk driver that kills has never been involved in a alcohol related accident before and have no prior convictions for drunk driving. Despite this drunk driving is still very dangerous. It is the leading cause of unintentional injury deaths in America today. In fact it is said that about 40 % of the population will be involved in a alcohol related crash during their life. Drunk driving is especially dangerous to young people, who seem to be more involved than others. Drunk driving is the number one cause of death among young people, accounting for 20% of all deaths from ages 15 to 20. Drunk driving is such a hard thing to overcome though. In our society alcohol is overwhelmingly accepted as a facilitator of sociable interaction, and the great majority of adults drink. But steps a re being taken and the numbers of deaths are declining (Wells-Parker et al, 1995).

It is overview from the Ross, (1984) Deterring the Drinking Driver: Legal Policy and Social Control that drinking and driving is a senseless crime. Everyone is, or should be aware of how much alcohol affects one's ability to drive. It is widely publicized and a well-known fact that drinking and driving do not mix. It is well known that alcohol in moderate quantities affects different people in a variety of ways. On average if a male adult were to consume three typical alcoholic beverages he would have a blood alcohol level of 0.06%. At this level, the drinker would either have a slight feeling of happiness, or feel slightly depressed. At this blood alcohol level a driver's ability to drive would be slightly reduced as the drivers responsiveness begins to decrease. A 0.1% blood alcohol level affects the motorist's ability to drive as speech becomes slurred and reflexes get slower. A level of 0.2% depresses all of the motor areas, and emotions are seriously affected. If one's blood alcohol level reaches 0.45%, a coma may ...
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