Prevalence Of Schizophrenia In Urbanized Areas

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Prevalence of schizophrenia in urbanized areas

Prevalence of schizophrenia in urbanized areas

Prevalence of schizophrenia in urbanized areas


Schizophrenia as a growing problem in societies all around the world. Until the mid-twentieth century a large proportion of people classified as mentally ill and admitted to mental hospitals are really suffering from physical ailments such as epilepsy and brain tumors. Now researchers are learning about the biological origin of many schizophreniaes such as schizophrenia, autism and alcoholism. Schizophrenia to cause serious social problems are most severe form of schizophrenia, such as those that threaten the social order as a sociopath who becomes a serial killer. The number of individuals in society with these disorders are small, but they constitute a serious social problem because they are so violent and irrational.

A more widespread social problem is severe schizophrenia to individuals who can not care for themselves without special attention. These individuals include people who are mentally ill and chemically addicted, and tend to be poor and homeless. Mentally ill individuals who experience various symptoms such unimaginable fear, uncontrollable hallucinations, panic, crushing sadness, wild elation, and mood swings. For society as a whole, their pain presents a range of social problems: the stress on family life, heavy demands on health care institutions, moral and ethical problems, and the cost of treatment in society, etc. It is said that the mentally ill suffer twice: they suffer from the disease itself, and also from denial or the stigma that comes with being diagnosed from the pain, as if their pain their own fault.

The most common form of mental problem in the United States are panic attacks and phobias. Severe phobias include fears such as fear of going out, fear of heights, or enclosed spaces. It is estimated that about 20 million Americans suffer from panic attacks or phobias in any given year. Another 18 million Americans suffer from other schizophreniaes, like depression, including manic, major, or minor depression. Alcoholism is also classified as a schizophrenia, and is diagnosed in approximately 14 million people. A problematic group of mentally ill substance abusers individuals with a schizophrenia like schizophrenia living in urban areas. It generates about 6 million Americans. People are referred to as mentally ill chemical abusers. A general problem with schizophrenia is the social impact of deinstitutionalization, or discharging patients from mental hospitals to the community directly without intermediate steps such as group housing, or assisted living. Some patients may not be able to function as normal members of society. This can cause conflict and consequences to both patients and the people they come in contact with.

Statistics say that there are about 350 million mentally ill individuals in the world. Approximately 80 percent of the world's 350 million mentally disabled people live in developing countries. Depression is very common in elderly individuals, which is usually worsened by the isolation and chronic pain (ie arthritis). About 3% of adults suffer from major depression, but many more may suffer from milder forms of ...