Prevalence Of Obesity In Usa

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Prevalence of Obesity in USA


Organization and delegation are important ingredients for successful running of any company. Organization helps in bringing all the required resources in one place. Resource when put together, to achieve definite goal or perform tasks, is more effective as compared to when they work independently. Resource can include everything used, in production of a product. It may be labor and workers, finances, material used etc. When departments of a company work in coordination with each other and support each other's functions, result is effective work processes and efficient operations.

People working at managerial level often become too tied up in leadership roles that meeting their own deadlines becomes difficult. They end up falling sick or missing out on critical project deadlines, which has a direct impact on their overall work performance and evaluation. This is where delegation comes in the process. Through effective delegation of authority and tasks, it is easier to handle projects and meet goals in time. Effective delegation of work also requires experience and expertise in the area. Managers who know how to use resources through delegation of authority and work, overcoming time limitations and other constraints are more successful than those who do not believe in delegation. It is very important to analyze both organization and delegation in detail if we want to run a department or company efficiently.



Many authors have defined organization in a different manner. According to American Heritage Dictionary, organization means gathering people from different units or departments for achieving a common goal. They must know their mission and purpose of project assigned (Mclean, 2005). This will make it easier for them. Another very important definition of organization comes from Chester Bernard defines organization itself as a function in which the manager responsible should be able to define job in terms of their duties, responsibilities and level of empowerment and decision making authority (Management Study Guide, 2008).

It is obvious from the above explanation, that there needs to be coordination and connection among all the departments of any company. They should be working in harmony with each other's functions and support the overall objective and goals of a company. The most important resources of organization are its people, finances and processes. Any manager who wants to run his department or company successfully must be able to employ these resources in coordination with each other. He should be able to define what his expectation from an employee or sub ordinate working under him through clear job descriptions and positions. After defining every person's role, he should authorize every employee according to tasks and responsibilities assigned to him. The subordinate has enough room and authorization, so that he fulfills his duties in an effective manner without needing approval and permission for little things. If he is dependent on his manager at every step, then it will hinder in his way of performing the task or meeting the deadline of the project.

Many organizations today believe that their people are the most ...
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