Presidential Election System

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Presidential Election System

President Election System


The second important issue is regarding the participation that how the turnout is affected by the election system? A preliminary goal of the electoral system is to make the participation easy for every eligible individual who is willing to vote. The researchers have specifically targeted two different issues regarding turnout in U.S. The first issue addresses the question about the administrative hurdles to voting. Secondly, is there any differential affect by administrative measures on the participation of groups, particularly racial minorities? The diminishing rate of voter participation in the elections is a puzzle for the political scientists. All of them seem to be of the same opinion that the declining turnout is the consequence of the demographic factors. Although, the public has become more educated and financially stable, both these signs are the predictors of high rate of turnout, but unfortunately the participation rates have not observed an upward trend in United States.


There are considerable loop holes in the measuring the key events like fraud happenings, incident of mismanaged and uncounted absentee ballots, the incident of votes that have been casted wrongly. Additionally, there are vital fears regarding class of the data, particularly the adequacy of voters' check list, and the correctness of cumulative ballots reported in all States.

The more awkward issue is the validity of cumulative returns if the process of vote counting is subjected to biasness by fraudulent acts and unjust administration. The goal of policy to address this issue is to curtail the fraudulent acts, the errors, and the biasness in administration so that intensions of the voters are reflected by the final results of the election process. The main challenge of the measurement is to grasp the intensions of all every individual who was willing to vote and to get a clear comparison of these measurements with official lists. The main discrepancy following the elections of 2000 was the difference in the total number of voters and the number of casted votes. This discrepancy is also known as Residual votes. This is probably just one reason of missing votes but there might be some other reasons as well. For instance, troubles in registration procedure, convenience of polling place, puzzlement in use of tools, and alike. Apart from the lost of votes, incorrectness can happen if a candidate has been voted mistakenly or in case of fake vote cast. These deviations are attempted to be corrected through the laws and procedures as per election laws. Substantial improvement in this area is evident after the controversy of 2000 elections. However, numerous serious questions are still unanswered. Few of them are:

Is the administration system biased?

Is there any improvement in the voting method performance due to consistent laws countrywide?

Are the administrative procedures affecting the demographic clusters differently?

A controversy regarding the recounting of votes in Florida raised the concern regarding the validity of the results as the top agenda. The elections of the 2000 sparked the debate about how the failure of tools, fake votes, ...
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