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Present Critiques

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Present Critiques

Present Critiques


The major goal of the United Nations Surveys on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems is to collect data on the incidence of reported crime and the operations of criminal justice systems with a view to improving the analysis and dissemination of that information globally. The survey results provide an overview of trends and interrelationships between various parts of the criminal justice system to promote informed decision-making in administration, nationally and internationally (JACOBS, 2001).

Statistics reported to the United Nations in the context of its various surveys on crime levels and criminal justice trends are incidents of victimization that have been reported to the authorities in any given country (JACOBS, 2001).


Crime is a core set of behaviors such as killings (murders and manslaughters), inflicting significant injuries (various kinds of assaults), violent or abusive sexual relations (rape), stealing (theft or larceny, and if by force or threat of force, robbery), serious cheating (fraud), entering the property with corrupt motive (burglary). It occurs everywhere and is counted as a serious crime. Behaviors commonly regarded as less serious crimes include shoplifting, drug use and possession, gambling, prostitution, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI).

Causes of Crime

Poverty is a general characterization due to deprivation of needs. If there is a decrease in poverty, there will be a reduction in crime. Many children grow up without the influence of the adult males who are gang members or streetwalkers, or at least promiscuous and had become a bit more criminals. There is also a strong correlation between poverty and single parents. A woman trying to raise children without a husband is probably someone better.

Correlation between poverty and crime is high; therefore they should not be put together for confusion. The only way out of poverty, greed or ...
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