Prejudice And Stereotypes

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Prejudice and Stereotypes

Prejudice and Stereotypes

Favoritism and minimal group effect help explain prejudice and stereotypes

Prejudice, unconfirmed prejudgment of an individual or assembly, favorable or unfavorable in character, tending to activity in a consonant direction. The hostility that prejudice can engender and the discrimination to which it may lead on the part of a dominant community toward an ethnic assembly, gender, devout or linguistic minority have initiated large human pain all through history.(Baird 1992)

Current social psychologists interpret prejudice as the effect of group interaction. According to social identity theory, when we are identified with a group, we show some general characteristics including ethnocentrism, in group favoritism, intergroup differentiation and so on, which contribute to prejudice. Tajfel, Billig, Bundy, and Flament (1971) further devised the minimal groups paradigm to demonstrate the necessary condition for group identification, stating that merely categorizing citizens into group is enough to induce the overall characteristics. Besides, team interaction would nearly inescapably induce intergroup contests, the realistic clash between team could also accentuate the negative stereotypes on the out-group. Some empirical information disconfirmed the minimal communities paradigm via illustrating that social categorization is not enough for intergroup behavior.(Baird 1992)

Summary of the article

Genocide is the ultimate sign of abhorrence and violence against a assembly of people. This research traces the steps by which a group becomes the target of prejudice, discrimination, persecution and violence. The general notions of stereotypes, scapegoats, prejudices, and discrimination are discovered in a manner which will endow students to understand demeanour and to accuse such demeanour which is unsuitable in a up to date, pluralistic society.(Baird 1992)

Prejudice Explanation

Aprejudice is a preconceived faith, opinion, or sentence toward a group of citizens characterized via their race, social category, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, disability or religion. It also processes a priori attitudes (without information of the ...
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