I have found this research article in the journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The article was not reviewed by experts in the field before it was published. That is the article was not in a referred publication.
Yes, the article does have a question that was examined later, by the help of qualitative research method. The question was based on the examination of Cognitive and social development of depressed children and adolescents.
The article described and synthesize previous in which the data was collected. With the help of previous studies on child development, the researcher has placed his concern on the issues which enforce and stimulate negative responses in child. The researcher elaborated on the point that child development is a holistic concept. Minute things which may appear to be insignificant for the parents may have noteworthy impact on child condition which initiates undesirable behavioral actions by the child. Adolescence and teenage period is characterized as one in which human being has the competence to form firm, cooperative, and mutually compassionate relationships with other human beings (Kovacs, 1991).
The article has properly organized, complied, presented and formatted in accordance with the standards of APA. In the article, the parentheses within the text were presented rather than footnotes or end page. The citation in text provides information, the author's name and date of publication, which leads to reader to the bibliographic entry. The information was completed on each source cited in the text, and was provided in a list called "References" located at the end of the article. In addition, the article was double spacing throughout (titles, text, references). The article uses a clear and continuous writing style. The researcher has used three levels of headings main one in bold and centered, a secondary written in italics and outside left and a tertiary written in italics, but with the text continued in the same line.
The researcher has discussed and integrated the previous studies in a section called “Literature review”. With the help of previous studies, it was observed that lack of trust, and negligence results in low self-esteem formation which makes a child resisted in taking challenges and adjusting in changing environment (Mitchell, 2007). This concept was integrated with the basic idea presented in this article, i.e. cognitive and social development of depressed children and adolescents.
The author has followed a clear procedure. Since the nature of the research was subjective, therefore the researcher has decided to select qualitative method for our research. The majority of the data was collected through secondary analysis and the rest of the data was collected through surveys. Qualitative methodology, as its very name, has the objective of describing the qualities of a phenomenon (Sameroff, 1998). The purpose of selecting qualitative method for this research was that it not only proved or measured how well a certain quality is found in a given event, but discovers many qualities as possible. In qualitative research, in depth understanding of the phenomenon was focused rather ...