Blaming the victim is a very interesting concept of cause and thought, that William Ryan explains in this book. Ryan says that blaming the victim is a central concept used throughout the American Society during the examination of social problems. I think one of the central idea of Ryan is that the American people blame the victims in this country, more often than they are aware. Ryan tackles a multitude of social problems of welfare, family structure, education, single mothers, poverty, injustice, riots, and ect.
Ryan focuses on the fact that there are two ways to look at all the problems. (Churton 2000) The first way of looking at problems is how the middle and upper believe that all the problems that poor people have in this country are due to the fact that for themselves. Prospective others suggest the idea of blaming the victims and upper middle class are responsible for some of the problems that are experieced this category of people. Upper and Middle Class VALUS can contain the value that everyone is hoisted by its boot straps. (Bilton, 1996) Ryan suggests that this idea works for the middle and upper class, but every time someone from the lower class that tries his boot straps are cut. And we must never lose again, and after a while he gets sick of this process, and must find another way to satisfy his needs. This idea is important when you look at people from backgrounds that differ from ours. Often we look at these people base their opinions on our situation, our own personal experiences and beliefs. I think some people have difficulty realizing that people are different, and they expect people to conform to their way of thinking or acting. There are a group of middle-class values as Ryan says, "we have been uncomfortable for years with the" black problem ", a term that clearly implies that the existence of blacks is somehow a fact problematic. Ebony magazine changed all that and recently renamed the phenomenon as "the white problem in America," which can be much more accurate. "This shows that there are two ways to see problems whatsoever.
Ryan also focuses on the idea of social problems and who and what is a social problem. Ryan asked, "what is a social problem?" He says this question may seem very logical that we ask: "What man problem is not a social problem? For any problem in which people are involved, is social, why do we reserve the label for some of the problems people are involved and keep others? "He asked why the crime is a social problem in the university administration is not ? I think that as an administration from the University College Student ranks much higher on my list of problems I encounter every day. Ryan says that we must ask ourselves, "social problems that are a problem?" He says those who have trouble are those on the outside looking in what ...